Hey Everyone 
So I was trying to listen to MLS 5G for the past year http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-5721-p...#pid111543 but failed as was not able to keep to it for 8hours a day. I have finally found that I can now play ultrasonic on my mac book pro http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-7540.html and so this will help me a great deal to get at least 8hrs in a day.
So why the change from MLS to this EPRHA 2.0? http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-7532.html.
In summary I will now be listening to EHPRA 2.0 to try and clear the stress, (this is usual whether a student or not, I don't tend to feel stress, perhaps I become apathetic and numb to it but I only feel the stress at deadlines and thats when I also move into gear and get working) overwhelm, (overwhelm due to content overload whether real or not, whether my own thoughts or those suggested to me by my peers and their fears) and fear (I have no idea at all why I have fear if any or where they come from or how they got there - i.e. no clue about the root of these fears. So hope this sub will help root any and all fears that I may have) that I have, particularly associated with studying and which leads me to procrastinate, waste time and avoid getting into the work until a deadline nears and until the pressures gets close.
(thank you to all that suggested and advised I listen to EHPRA 2.0 or any other sub, as always I am grateful for this loving and selfless community that we have here)
I will aim to listen as follows:
Bedtime - Silent Track minimum 8hours (ideally 9hours) via AudioEngine A2+ speakers that are placed around my bed. These are at least 20khz and being around my bed means they'll be close enough to my ears.
Issue: I have a double/kingsize bed, and I sleep on 1 side rather than the middle.
Question: Will this cause too much of an issue or problem? (please answer)
Daytime Listening Strategy -
Silent track via my Mac Book Pro 2015 Laptop. Aim - Try to get 4hours if possible, so that with my 8hours at night I reach 12 hours. Of course anything from 1hour and more is a bonus as long as I get 8hours minimum at night.
Masked Track - Probably Trickling stream - Via Headphones (these are wireless headphones that I will NOT be using wirelessly but now wired into my laptop or mp3 player or mobile/cell phone). Aim - Try to get atleast 1 hour of this daily. If I cannot I won't worry, since listening to the silent track through my laptop will be the easiest way. This headphone way is simply a bonus and a way to get 1hour through headphones which is the most powerful way to listen to these subs. Summary: 1hour atleast via headphones without any detriment to my daily routine otherwise this will be left to the side without any concern.
Overal Goal: To get minimum 8hours a day without fail. Try and reach 12hours a day. Any extra will be awesome! Try and get 1 hour of headphones a day. Any more will be a bonus of course.
After having been at university for my first year, there is much that I have learnt and will now explain what is more than possible and thus likely.
I believe that the way university is organised, its unlikely for me to get any listening done whilst there. If there is even a remote chance and possibility for me to get any listening done, then it will be only in the library or if I'm alone. Even then, listening to a masked track will only hinder my studies, so the only solution is silent track and thus this via my laptop. As I do not take my laptop into university then this may cause more issues. University has finished and won't start until the usual September dates so we shall see.
Unless I take my laptop with me, then I do not see it feasible to get any listening done during the daytime.
In the evening, I can easily play the silent track via my laptop and let it play. I believe that then if I choose to listen to music, watch youtube or a movie or a TV show on my laptop, that even then irrespective of whatever volume I watch these shows or listen to said music, I will still get the benefit from the silent track (is this so?)
If I have the evening free, I will let the sub play via my laptop immediately and let it loop irrespective of whether I'm in that space (my living room) constantly or not. My calculations of the time listened will thus be approximate give or take the few mins I may not be in that same room.
During the evening time, I will eat and hopefully study. At some point I believe it would be wise and prudent of me to have 1 hour where I do not study and thus listen to the masked track via headphones. Since this cannot be the same time as watching a show on my laptop, then it seems it may be those times when I do chores - unlikely I do any chores every evening so this I will have to see as and when it happens. I will not listen to masked via the laptop speakers (i.e. without headphones) as this will be pointless, since the silent track is going to fulfil that obligation for me.
If during the evening I am called out, or leave to go out perhaps to a friends or the gym then the listening will naturally cease. I will not listen to any subs at the gym as I will either want to listen to mp3 music or listen to nothing and focus on my gym workout. Once I am comfortable at the gym then yes I could try to listen to a sub but this is not at all likely to occur this year.
In the night, I will aim to have 9hours bed rest every night. This means that whether I sleep or not I will try to get into bed the same time every single night including weekends which will give me 9hours sleep to wake up at my designated morning time. This is a new lifestyle I want to create not for the subs but for me and the subs gaining 9hours will be a bonus. If I don't sleep I will hopefully get 9hours worth of bed rest atleast which is better than staying up and exciting myself with stimulants (coffee and tv etc). No phone or laptops at this hour either.
Overall Hope:
I hope that by getting 8hours listening, hopefully 12 a day, and that this being a 5.5G sub, will benefit me to clean out my internal issues quickly and safely. I hope and aim to listen to this sub for 3 months or 32x3 = 96days. Only then will I know the true power of the dark....oops.... the true power of this sub lol.
I know from previous testimonials, that with V1 of this sub, many felt internal conflicts etc and became worse before better in so many ways. I am unsure if this sub has these same effects on the listener however my only fear or concern is that this sub mellows me further than the procrastinator that I am causing detriment to my studies. My goal is my studies first and foremost.
I am prepared to listen maybe even longer to 6months mark depending on how I feel at the 96th date.
Results that I hope will manifest:
I hope that this sub will release me from the fears around studying. I hope that any cause of fear will dissolve away too. If i have any anxiety too that this be resolved. I also hope that my ability to handle stress, workload, sudden changes in plans and overwhelm improve immensely.
Anything from this sub that helps not only with studies and university but further will be amazingly and gratefully accepted and appreciated of course.
I also know that this is the very basic and foundation sub that all should listen to and that will help with future sub listening. I am in hope that soon this sub will allow me to progress to other subs that will further improve me as a student and academic success before further focusing on my improvement as a Man and human being.
None of this would be possible if this sub doesn't work, and I promise to play my part in listening to this sub. I am also grateful that finally I am aware that my mac book pro can cope with ultrasonic subs as I had no awareness of this and feel a year has been wasted unfortunately.
Final Thoughts
I have written in some details here so that it can be clear for you all, whether you know me or not.
I have also written here in some detail so that anyone searching for key terms such as school, university, EHPRA etc will find my post.
I hope that this new journal will be of help and benefit to all and like wise that you all will help me whenever you feel you want to and can.
I welcome all of you to comment as you wish, add your thoughts, advice and input whenever you deem fit please as it will help me and others reading this.
I also ask that you help me by answering any questions in this very post and future posts please as I ask questions when I am unaware and unsure. It took me a whole year to finally learn that my mac book pro was worthy of ultrasonic and this could have saved me a lot of wasted time and anguish. Don't think your 2cents/pennies worth of advice or input won't matter, because it could be the very ripple I or someone else needs to change their lives around.
Most of all thank you in advance.
I am about to post this up. I have then to simply purchase the E2 sub (I wanted to commit to this post first, otherwise I may decide on another sub or talk myself out with confusion) and begin my journey.
Thank you
Any thoughts on how to start? After purchase, I was going to jump right in, but I'm sure I read somewhere that its best to start with only 1 hour day1, then increase to 2hrs on day 2 and so forth. But this seems rather long winded and wasteful to me.
Also to help you all to enjoy my journals, how should I count the hours in the day of listening. For example, tomorrow is Saturday. I could start my listening at 9pm when I aim to sleep. i wake at 6am sunday morning. Is that counted as 9hours even though it is split across 2 days. What about then the hours I listen to on sunday itself, does that get counted into this total or the total for the next day? how would you all suggest I do this please? thanks
As I'm editing and tweaking this post, more thoughts and insights or questions are emerging so would like to add them here.
So, subs like this that have full versions of other subs within them, do they work just as great as if you listen to each of these subs individually? For example I know that this has Positive Thinking full version in this as well as OGFS and also Overcome Victim Mentality so I wonder if this means that all of these will work just as they would individually?
What I do like about this sub is that it has been designed to work on self esteem, self worth, responsibility or other such key components besides fears and maturity and guilt etc.

So I was trying to listen to MLS 5G for the past year http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-5721-p...#pid111543 but failed as was not able to keep to it for 8hours a day. I have finally found that I can now play ultrasonic on my mac book pro http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-7540.html and so this will help me a great deal to get at least 8hrs in a day.
So why the change from MLS to this EPRHA 2.0? http://subliminal-talk.com/thread-7532.html.
In summary I will now be listening to EHPRA 2.0 to try and clear the stress, (this is usual whether a student or not, I don't tend to feel stress, perhaps I become apathetic and numb to it but I only feel the stress at deadlines and thats when I also move into gear and get working) overwhelm, (overwhelm due to content overload whether real or not, whether my own thoughts or those suggested to me by my peers and their fears) and fear (I have no idea at all why I have fear if any or where they come from or how they got there - i.e. no clue about the root of these fears. So hope this sub will help root any and all fears that I may have) that I have, particularly associated with studying and which leads me to procrastinate, waste time and avoid getting into the work until a deadline nears and until the pressures gets close.
(thank you to all that suggested and advised I listen to EHPRA 2.0 or any other sub, as always I am grateful for this loving and selfless community that we have here)
I will aim to listen as follows:
Bedtime - Silent Track minimum 8hours (ideally 9hours) via AudioEngine A2+ speakers that are placed around my bed. These are at least 20khz and being around my bed means they'll be close enough to my ears.
Issue: I have a double/kingsize bed, and I sleep on 1 side rather than the middle.
Question: Will this cause too much of an issue or problem? (please answer)
Daytime Listening Strategy -
Silent track via my Mac Book Pro 2015 Laptop. Aim - Try to get 4hours if possible, so that with my 8hours at night I reach 12 hours. Of course anything from 1hour and more is a bonus as long as I get 8hours minimum at night.
Masked Track - Probably Trickling stream - Via Headphones (these are wireless headphones that I will NOT be using wirelessly but now wired into my laptop or mp3 player or mobile/cell phone). Aim - Try to get atleast 1 hour of this daily. If I cannot I won't worry, since listening to the silent track through my laptop will be the easiest way. This headphone way is simply a bonus and a way to get 1hour through headphones which is the most powerful way to listen to these subs. Summary: 1hour atleast via headphones without any detriment to my daily routine otherwise this will be left to the side without any concern.
Overal Goal: To get minimum 8hours a day without fail. Try and reach 12hours a day. Any extra will be awesome! Try and get 1 hour of headphones a day. Any more will be a bonus of course.
After having been at university for my first year, there is much that I have learnt and will now explain what is more than possible and thus likely.
I believe that the way university is organised, its unlikely for me to get any listening done whilst there. If there is even a remote chance and possibility for me to get any listening done, then it will be only in the library or if I'm alone. Even then, listening to a masked track will only hinder my studies, so the only solution is silent track and thus this via my laptop. As I do not take my laptop into university then this may cause more issues. University has finished and won't start until the usual September dates so we shall see.
Unless I take my laptop with me, then I do not see it feasible to get any listening done during the daytime.
In the evening, I can easily play the silent track via my laptop and let it play. I believe that then if I choose to listen to music, watch youtube or a movie or a TV show on my laptop, that even then irrespective of whatever volume I watch these shows or listen to said music, I will still get the benefit from the silent track (is this so?)
If I have the evening free, I will let the sub play via my laptop immediately and let it loop irrespective of whether I'm in that space (my living room) constantly or not. My calculations of the time listened will thus be approximate give or take the few mins I may not be in that same room.
During the evening time, I will eat and hopefully study. At some point I believe it would be wise and prudent of me to have 1 hour where I do not study and thus listen to the masked track via headphones. Since this cannot be the same time as watching a show on my laptop, then it seems it may be those times when I do chores - unlikely I do any chores every evening so this I will have to see as and when it happens. I will not listen to masked via the laptop speakers (i.e. without headphones) as this will be pointless, since the silent track is going to fulfil that obligation for me.
If during the evening I am called out, or leave to go out perhaps to a friends or the gym then the listening will naturally cease. I will not listen to any subs at the gym as I will either want to listen to mp3 music or listen to nothing and focus on my gym workout. Once I am comfortable at the gym then yes I could try to listen to a sub but this is not at all likely to occur this year.
In the night, I will aim to have 9hours bed rest every night. This means that whether I sleep or not I will try to get into bed the same time every single night including weekends which will give me 9hours sleep to wake up at my designated morning time. This is a new lifestyle I want to create not for the subs but for me and the subs gaining 9hours will be a bonus. If I don't sleep I will hopefully get 9hours worth of bed rest atleast which is better than staying up and exciting myself with stimulants (coffee and tv etc). No phone or laptops at this hour either.
Overall Hope:
I hope that by getting 8hours listening, hopefully 12 a day, and that this being a 5.5G sub, will benefit me to clean out my internal issues quickly and safely. I hope and aim to listen to this sub for 3 months or 32x3 = 96days. Only then will I know the true power of the dark....oops.... the true power of this sub lol.
I know from previous testimonials, that with V1 of this sub, many felt internal conflicts etc and became worse before better in so many ways. I am unsure if this sub has these same effects on the listener however my only fear or concern is that this sub mellows me further than the procrastinator that I am causing detriment to my studies. My goal is my studies first and foremost.
I am prepared to listen maybe even longer to 6months mark depending on how I feel at the 96th date.
Results that I hope will manifest:
I hope that this sub will release me from the fears around studying. I hope that any cause of fear will dissolve away too. If i have any anxiety too that this be resolved. I also hope that my ability to handle stress, workload, sudden changes in plans and overwhelm improve immensely.
Anything from this sub that helps not only with studies and university but further will be amazingly and gratefully accepted and appreciated of course.
I also know that this is the very basic and foundation sub that all should listen to and that will help with future sub listening. I am in hope that soon this sub will allow me to progress to other subs that will further improve me as a student and academic success before further focusing on my improvement as a Man and human being.
None of this would be possible if this sub doesn't work, and I promise to play my part in listening to this sub. I am also grateful that finally I am aware that my mac book pro can cope with ultrasonic subs as I had no awareness of this and feel a year has been wasted unfortunately.
Final Thoughts
I have written in some details here so that it can be clear for you all, whether you know me or not.
I have also written here in some detail so that anyone searching for key terms such as school, university, EHPRA etc will find my post.
I hope that this new journal will be of help and benefit to all and like wise that you all will help me whenever you feel you want to and can.
I welcome all of you to comment as you wish, add your thoughts, advice and input whenever you deem fit please as it will help me and others reading this.
I also ask that you help me by answering any questions in this very post and future posts please as I ask questions when I am unaware and unsure. It took me a whole year to finally learn that my mac book pro was worthy of ultrasonic and this could have saved me a lot of wasted time and anguish. Don't think your 2cents/pennies worth of advice or input won't matter, because it could be the very ripple I or someone else needs to change their lives around.
Most of all thank you in advance.
I am about to post this up. I have then to simply purchase the E2 sub (I wanted to commit to this post first, otherwise I may decide on another sub or talk myself out with confusion) and begin my journey.
Thank you

Any thoughts on how to start? After purchase, I was going to jump right in, but I'm sure I read somewhere that its best to start with only 1 hour day1, then increase to 2hrs on day 2 and so forth. But this seems rather long winded and wasteful to me.
Also to help you all to enjoy my journals, how should I count the hours in the day of listening. For example, tomorrow is Saturday. I could start my listening at 9pm when I aim to sleep. i wake at 6am sunday morning. Is that counted as 9hours even though it is split across 2 days. What about then the hours I listen to on sunday itself, does that get counted into this total or the total for the next day? how would you all suggest I do this please? thanks
As I'm editing and tweaking this post, more thoughts and insights or questions are emerging so would like to add them here.
So, subs like this that have full versions of other subs within them, do they work just as great as if you listen to each of these subs individually? For example I know that this has Positive Thinking full version in this as well as OGFS and also Overcome Victim Mentality so I wonder if this means that all of these will work just as they would individually?
What I do like about this sub is that it has been designed to work on self esteem, self worth, responsibility or other such key components besides fears and maturity and guilt etc.
OF3 5.75.7G 13/15Vol
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days