03-03-2023, 06:48 AM
I will probably change the quote from The Other Guys to something a bit more timeless, but for now...
This journal will document my Maverick journey.
Context: I am a 10 year veteran of IML products; joined in August/September of 2013, when I was at my most immature, undisciplined. Ironically, I'm logged into an alternate account because of the inability to log in with my primary, so my number of posts and date of joining seems lower.
I've found the most success on the following subliminals:
- Alpha Male, 4G and 5G
- Maximum Learning Speed, 4G and 5G
- Sleep Induction Aid, 5G
- BASE (through increases in income from jobs, each time I ran it)
- Overcoming Fear 4.0
Others, I realize that I pushed away out of fear, especially the DMSI subliminals. I never committed to a full run, and would jump ship early.
Regardless, I've experienced a great deal of personal growth over the decade.
- A removal of immature tendencies and frivolous pursuits
- A removal of the majority of my fears, especially surrounding the public
- A hardening of my self-discipline, taking into account my particular personality traits and habits
- A dissolving of my resentments
- Financial independence and discipline
- An optimization of my time and energy towards my goals
- A ten-year plan that integrates my past struggles and current interests, and desire to serve humanity
- Completing my 4-year Bachelor's and eventually getting a job
- Becoming a musical street performer, and helping me to break out of my shell
- Speaking four languages fluidly, with some abilities in two others
- A crystallizing mastery over the guitar
- An almost complete removal of social anxiety, and the ability to socialize with whom I please (though I usually prefer work on my projects)
- More comfort with dating, and now dating on my terms, as well as nurturing feelings of care for the women I date.
- Writing and publishing five (minimum 200+ page, and referenced) books between 2016 and 2021.
- Completing a coding bootcamp, drilling algorithms and other technologies, then getting a job in full-stack web development, changing careers entirely and becoming the only person in my company to work in IT without a CS degree.
- Getting certifications in Cloud Computer, and am now training myself in artificial intelligence
- Getting a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu, and am a year into Kickboxing
- Becoming my strongest, fastest, and most muscular at (nearly) 31 years old.
So why Maverick? Despite my current accomplishments, I've had an inner desire for greatness since I was 19.
This inner yearning caused me to ignore the task in front of me (getting educated and finishing my degree) and to almost burn myself down to the ground financially with silly get-rich-quick pursuits at 21.
Day 1,
Though I was into X4A-1000, I had stopped running it when I heard that the release of Maverick was imminent.
As I mentioned in Shannon's Journal, the copy for Maverick was concise, full of caveats and reasons to not buy, but breathtaking nonetheless.
I was already prepared to put down the money, and I bought it within 10 minutes of opening the page; 8 of those minutes were spent reading the copy and getting right with what was required.
After finishing the first loops, I was filled with that similar feeling I felt at 19, 20, and 21. Feeling like a caged bird, needing to fly. Like a peacock
I'm already thinking about taking a trip to my local big city and to spend a week while still working my remote job.
I'm already looking at wardrobe upgrades, and looking to get a haircut asap. Enough of this "disheveled genius" look, maybe I should become polished while I'm at it.
I spent a bit of time trying to record a guitar video for my social media, then dropping it when the sound quality wasn't adequate.
So what is my 10-year plan? I might be comfortable to reveal it.
This journal will document my Maverick journey.
Context: I am a 10 year veteran of IML products; joined in August/September of 2013, when I was at my most immature, undisciplined. Ironically, I'm logged into an alternate account because of the inability to log in with my primary, so my number of posts and date of joining seems lower.
I've found the most success on the following subliminals:
- Alpha Male, 4G and 5G
- Maximum Learning Speed, 4G and 5G
- Sleep Induction Aid, 5G
- BASE (through increases in income from jobs, each time I ran it)
- Overcoming Fear 4.0
Others, I realize that I pushed away out of fear, especially the DMSI subliminals. I never committed to a full run, and would jump ship early.
Regardless, I've experienced a great deal of personal growth over the decade.
- A removal of immature tendencies and frivolous pursuits
- A removal of the majority of my fears, especially surrounding the public
- A hardening of my self-discipline, taking into account my particular personality traits and habits
- A dissolving of my resentments
- Financial independence and discipline
- An optimization of my time and energy towards my goals
- A ten-year plan that integrates my past struggles and current interests, and desire to serve humanity
- Completing my 4-year Bachelor's and eventually getting a job
- Becoming a musical street performer, and helping me to break out of my shell
- Speaking four languages fluidly, with some abilities in two others
- A crystallizing mastery over the guitar
- An almost complete removal of social anxiety, and the ability to socialize with whom I please (though I usually prefer work on my projects)
- More comfort with dating, and now dating on my terms, as well as nurturing feelings of care for the women I date.
- Writing and publishing five (minimum 200+ page, and referenced) books between 2016 and 2021.
- Completing a coding bootcamp, drilling algorithms and other technologies, then getting a job in full-stack web development, changing careers entirely and becoming the only person in my company to work in IT without a CS degree.
- Getting certifications in Cloud Computer, and am now training myself in artificial intelligence
- Getting a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu, and am a year into Kickboxing
- Becoming my strongest, fastest, and most muscular at (nearly) 31 years old.
So why Maverick? Despite my current accomplishments, I've had an inner desire for greatness since I was 19.
This inner yearning caused me to ignore the task in front of me (getting educated and finishing my degree) and to almost burn myself down to the ground financially with silly get-rich-quick pursuits at 21.
Day 1,
Though I was into X4A-1000, I had stopped running it when I heard that the release of Maverick was imminent.
As I mentioned in Shannon's Journal, the copy for Maverick was concise, full of caveats and reasons to not buy, but breathtaking nonetheless.
I was already prepared to put down the money, and I bought it within 10 minutes of opening the page; 8 of those minutes were spent reading the copy and getting right with what was required.
After finishing the first loops, I was filled with that similar feeling I felt at 19, 20, and 21. Feeling like a caged bird, needing to fly. Like a peacock

I'm already thinking about taking a trip to my local big city and to spend a week while still working my remote job.
I'm already looking at wardrobe upgrades, and looking to get a haircut asap. Enough of this "disheveled genius" look, maybe I should become polished while I'm at it.
I spent a bit of time trying to record a guitar video for my social media, then dropping it when the sound quality wasn't adequate.
So what is my 10-year plan? I might be comfortable to reveal it.