08-25-2016, 11:52 AM
Thank you so much for this update and summary!
"Minimal obvious and blatant external results in regards to the target goal."
I concur.
"Men are giving increased respect hits. This is causing some serious strife. For me, it's very much unnerving to feel incredibly sexy inside, but not have the external world acknowledge it. Causing lots of cognitive dissonance in a few users."
Well put. Men are very kind to me. One today who has been acting really flighty around me made a "confession" to me... as in "you may not like me after I tell you this about me" type of confession. It wasn't that big of a deal. I think he just felt ashamed around me like I wouldn't like him if he wasn't perfect. I'm guessing that's the status part.
"Massive internal results."
Mostly for me alien and foreign thoughts are crossing my mind like "It's so weird that I don't have 10 women calling me constantly. It's odd that women aren't banging down my door. How can that be?" Almost as though I'm expecting the goals of the program to be here now and thinking it's abnormal that it's not, rather than accepting the lack of women as normal. To me, this is progress in a good and big way.
"Increased horniness has been reported by a number of people."
I guess the way I'd think about this is that I'm %^&$ing pissed that I don't have regular women sexual partners right now.
"Healing seems to be taking place despite the fact that there's no healing programming."
For me, I think it's showing up as those alien and foreign thoughts. I also hate being around the house. I keep wanting to go out but not sure where to go. Restlessness.
"A profound "body addiction" has been noted by a number of people, myself included. The sub feels dopaminergic, and the mind begins to crave more input, manifesting as an undeniable urge to turn listen to more lops, even beyond the recommended loop amount of 7."
Today I can't get enough A/C. I've listened to 7 loops and feel like I'm burning up. Also see above.
"Autopilot seems to work well"
Not sure for me.
"Many users reporting increased motivation"
"I wonder if that's it! Very sexual, and it's causing women who aren't interested to self-disqualify..."
I've wondered if women are self-disqualifying but for different reasons. I've wondered if they are so attracted they freak out inside that I wouldn't like them. IOIs plus hiding plus short answers (like they can't even think around me). Some seem to lose their coordination and others can't even talk, just make phonemes.
Thank you so much for this update and summary!
"Minimal obvious and blatant external results in regards to the target goal."
I concur.
"Men are giving increased respect hits. This is causing some serious strife. For me, it's very much unnerving to feel incredibly sexy inside, but not have the external world acknowledge it. Causing lots of cognitive dissonance in a few users."
Well put. Men are very kind to me. One today who has been acting really flighty around me made a "confession" to me... as in "you may not like me after I tell you this about me" type of confession. It wasn't that big of a deal. I think he just felt ashamed around me like I wouldn't like him if he wasn't perfect. I'm guessing that's the status part.
"Massive internal results."
Mostly for me alien and foreign thoughts are crossing my mind like "It's so weird that I don't have 10 women calling me constantly. It's odd that women aren't banging down my door. How can that be?" Almost as though I'm expecting the goals of the program to be here now and thinking it's abnormal that it's not, rather than accepting the lack of women as normal. To me, this is progress in a good and big way.
"Increased horniness has been reported by a number of people."
I guess the way I'd think about this is that I'm %^&$ing pissed that I don't have regular women sexual partners right now.
"Healing seems to be taking place despite the fact that there's no healing programming."
For me, I think it's showing up as those alien and foreign thoughts. I also hate being around the house. I keep wanting to go out but not sure where to go. Restlessness.
"A profound "body addiction" has been noted by a number of people, myself included. The sub feels dopaminergic, and the mind begins to crave more input, manifesting as an undeniable urge to turn listen to more lops, even beyond the recommended loop amount of 7."
Today I can't get enough A/C. I've listened to 7 loops and feel like I'm burning up. Also see above.
"Autopilot seems to work well"
Not sure for me.
"Many users reporting increased motivation"
"I wonder if that's it! Very sexual, and it's causing women who aren't interested to self-disqualify..."
I've wondered if women are self-disqualifying but for different reasons. I've wondered if they are so attracted they freak out inside that I wouldn't like them. IOIs plus hiding plus short answers (like they can't even think around me). Some seem to lose their coordination and others can't even talk, just make phonemes.