01-15-2020, 05:57 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-15-2020, 05:58 AM by EvolvingPhoenix.)
Great news!
I have some non-E3 related results today!
I have been steadily increasing my already ridiculous UMS goals higher and higher, because why not? And I eventually just decided that it would be best to just cut straight to the highest I could shoot for. I had a hard time figuring out what figure that could possibly be until I decided to cross out my then-current goal and replace it with this:
Richest person on Earth.
There's not really a higher UMS goal is there? So why not, right? And imagine how much more business this website will get when I pull it off and credit Indigo Mind Labs for their part!
So, anyway, I've had this as my updated goal for a bit now (secretly) but was for the most part just stuck, not really making progress or moving forward with my UMS goals, it felt like, and unsure what to do to make money.
Then, today came! (Well, it's 8:57 AM now, so I can officially say "yesterday") And I was in Publix, looking for... I can't even remember (who cares?) and I had a thought that lead to me letting go of some insecurities over the ex-friend, right? And then later today (I mean yesterday
) I was dicking around on the computer, watching Youtube vids, and I came across a channel that covers the rise and fall of different tech companies. I was bored, and curious, so I watched. It started with MySpace. I fantasized about being a tech giant and having my own tech company and knocking all these tyrannical Silicone Valley big-wigs off their pedestals and taking them off their thrones. I then came up with the idea: why DON'T I? I'd be doing good work. I would be creating better products, focused first and foremost on service to the customers and users and content creators, rather than focusing on money, power and political agenda. I decided I would find a way to make it non-profit, so I could establish trust and ensure that my products would not be corrupted by greed. However, at some point, I realized "Hey, maybe THIS is my means of making money and becoming the richest man in the world: becoming a tech giant! I used to think to myself: "Man, wouldn't it be cool if I could just start my own tech company and rival Youtube/Facebook/Google? Wouldn't it be cool if I could steal all their users, dethrone them and replace their unethical practices with ethical ones? Man, too bad I don't know ANYTHING about tech or programming or computers..." But you know what? WHAT DOES IT MATTER?! What do I need to know how to code for? What do I need to know tech for? I could get somebody else for that. What I CAN do is lead this organization or whatever and found it, run it, promote it, lead it, build it and direct it. It's still my baby after all. My passion. My vision of service. I believe I can do this! I'm sure things all come together in due time!
Thank you Shannon for your AMAZING products! I have faith! And thanks to you, I have a secret weapon
Thank you ALL in this community for your support! You have all helped me get through some incredibly rough stuff. You have helped me heal and grow and become the man I want to become! I am still a work in progress, but then again who isn't right? Still, you have ALL helped me live up to my moniker. Especially you, Shannon. Thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart.
I have some non-E3 related results today!
I have been steadily increasing my already ridiculous UMS goals higher and higher, because why not? And I eventually just decided that it would be best to just cut straight to the highest I could shoot for. I had a hard time figuring out what figure that could possibly be until I decided to cross out my then-current goal and replace it with this:
Richest person on Earth.
There's not really a higher UMS goal is there? So why not, right? And imagine how much more business this website will get when I pull it off and credit Indigo Mind Labs for their part!
So, anyway, I've had this as my updated goal for a bit now (secretly) but was for the most part just stuck, not really making progress or moving forward with my UMS goals, it felt like, and unsure what to do to make money.
Then, today came! (Well, it's 8:57 AM now, so I can officially say "yesterday") And I was in Publix, looking for... I can't even remember (who cares?) and I had a thought that lead to me letting go of some insecurities over the ex-friend, right? And then later today (I mean yesterday

Thank you Shannon for your AMAZING products! I have faith! And thanks to you, I have a secret weapon

Thank you ALL in this community for your support! You have all helped me get through some incredibly rough stuff. You have helped me heal and grow and become the man I want to become! I am still a work in progress, but then again who isn't right? Still, you have ALL helped me live up to my moniker. Especially you, Shannon. Thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart.