(08-08-2012, 12:28 PM)Spiral Wrote: Get better soon. I may need to bite the bullet and use maximum healing speed as well.
Thanks Spiral.

I'm actually reading up on healing and it is quite amazing the difference between people's healing times. There are quite a few stories of people suffering major injuries (knee replacement, broken legs, etc.) and healing quickly. From what I have gathered, attitude, genetics, and of course the mind, play a significant role in how fast one heals. I can understand why a lot of the suggestions in Maximum Healing have to do with mood boosting and being grateful.
EDIT: Just found this article: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=c...VRjswd2qZw. It's talking about a chemical called HMGB1.
Basically, it (allegedly) signals the stem cells in the bone marrow to rush to the site of a wound. It would be cool if perhaps Shannon could release an experimental aimed at doing this just to see how it worked.