I FEEL GOOOOOOOD!!!! LOLOLOL. It's remarkable how much time I spent thinking about meaningless things. ASC has effectively eliminated about 95% of all my negative self talk. The other 5% doesn't plague me often and when it comes up it is immediately eliminated and destroyed. Even in situations where normally I'd feel embarassed or ashamed I simply plow through and keep going. Thursday while driving home I turned off my radio so I could just enjoy the road and the scenery. Everything seemes so much brighter and more beautiful. Almost like looking at the world with new eyes.
Ultra Success is helping out a lot as well. I don't know what it is but people keep telling me "you're going to be very successful one day". I must be radiating success or something. Past memories have floated up but now it's like I'm seeking "vengenance" on the people who looked down upon me when I was still in K-12 but I'm using them as an example of what I don't want to be in life. Their harsh words no longer harm me but instead urge me to continue on my path. Procrastination is still a problem for me unfortunately but its definitely not as bad as it was last year and I'm actually able to get things accomplished.
Still need to figure out how I'm going to work the Grow Taller sub into my routine. My 90 days are up on the 17th however I may go a few days over just to be sure.
Ultra Success is helping out a lot as well. I don't know what it is but people keep telling me "you're going to be very successful one day". I must be radiating success or something. Past memories have floated up but now it's like I'm seeking "vengenance" on the people who looked down upon me when I was still in K-12 but I'm using them as an example of what I don't want to be in life. Their harsh words no longer harm me but instead urge me to continue on my path. Procrastination is still a problem for me unfortunately but its definitely not as bad as it was last year and I'm actually able to get things accomplished.
Still need to figure out how I'm going to work the Grow Taller sub into my routine. My 90 days are up on the 17th however I may go a few days over just to be sure.