10-10-2011, 12:30 PM
(10-09-2011, 09:18 PM)Jackie Wrote:(10-09-2011, 06:40 PM)Shannon Wrote: Read your comments. Went back through the script for AF-2011 Stage 1. Burst out laughing. Damn I'm good.*goes to get some popcorn*
Along with strange movie plots, AF has also inspired me to start writing fictional stories again, such as this one:
He sits zipped up in his sleeping bag in the deep, dark forest clicking away at his keyboard when he suddenly hears a loud SNAP behind him! Turning his head in alarm, he sees nothing through his thick horn rimmed glasses. The blackness has no depth but seems to envelop him at the same time. A million things flash through his mind, among them doubt that maybe he shouldn't be traveling the country all alone.
"Maybe I should have just gotten a hotel," he thinks. He hadn't showered in days or slept on a mattress. Food consisted of beef jerky and trail mix. He was ready for some good food. Twigs from the ground were starting to ride up his butt. "One more day is all I need," he said.
But as he was thinking these things, he heard another large crackling noise, and the errie sound of movement through the trees. It kept getting closer to him, and louder.
"What the heck?" Thinks Shannon to himself. Frightened so was he that he stood up, his pulse started to quicken. "Probably just a marmot or something." With that, he sat back down and snuggled back up in his sleeping bag and began checking his indigo forum messages. There were over 39 messages.
"How the hell am I gonna do all these before my computer dies?? Why can't these people just leave me alone for a few days!?" He yelled into the trees. "NOOOOOOOO!"
Frustrated, and watching his battery power quickly die down, Shannon quickly responded to a few questions. Just then, he heard another rustle in the bushes, this time it was to his left where his car was parked. To his shock and horror, he could hear his car door suddenly open and slam shut! But he thought he'd locked it! Before he could get up to run towards it, the car roared to life and suddenly he found himself blinded by headlights. His own headlights. His heart nearly stopped beating his chest. Bringing his hand to his head to keep the light from blinding him, he could just barely make out who was behind the wheel. Shannon gasped sharply and pointed his finger. "Oh my god, it's you!".......
_______________________________to be continued......(du dun dun!)
That was just for fun. This is how I imagine Shannon's camping trip is going and all the things that could go wrong. Plus, it was fun to write and hopefully will give him a laugh. Or not.I know you don't wear horn rimmed glasses....the shannon in this story is only loosely based on another shannon that I may know
lol Go AF, go AF! Woot!
ANNNDDDD to bed now. Night all!
That was hilarious. I'm sure the people sitting around me here at BK think I am totally insane now. Revenge accomplished, Jackie.

Actually, my camping trip is much less interesting. More like this.
"Jeez, does this road ever end?" Shannon thought to himself. Maybe - but not any time soon. Still day's miles to go before his next destination, and then after that it would be two or three more days to get to his next destination.
He'd given up trying to find campgrounds. Even if they only charged $11 a night, he'd end up sleeping in his car regardless, between the cold, the wind, the rain or the bears. Or heck, he thought, all four sometimes. And a car door isn't going to stop a hungry bear.
"I wish I could get a hotel every night," he mumbled to nobody in particular, as he checked his rear view mirror. The rain was endless in every direction, and so were the drivers who didn't know what the current speed limit was. He waited for the next passing lane yet again as the guy ahead of him demonstrated either severe dyslexia or an inability to read, passing a speed limit sign that clearly told him to be going at least 10 miles an hour faster. The liine of people who agreed with Shannon was growing. It would be a mad dash when the - oh, there it is, the passing lane finally.
Later that night, after 10 hours driving, Shannon decided it was finally time to rest. He could probably push it another 2 or 4 hours, but why bother? He still had two days of nowhere in particular to be before he was scheduled to arrive at his sister's house. Nowhere particular to be, he mused. How he wished he could just go home. But there were obligations to deal with first. He was just... tired. Hotel or rest area? he wondered. Ah, screw it. Rest areas are cheap. He pulled into the rest area and found himself a parking spot, and then adjusted the stuff in the back seat to let him put his seat all the way back. Then he pulled his quilts out from under everything piled on top of them. One he wrapped around his legs and feet, and the other around his torso. The cold would not have him this night. Then he positioned his trutsy foam pillow, stretched out as much as he could, and tried, closing his eyes, to pretend he was in his own bed at home.
Sleep came slowly, with reality fading into dreams smoothly, as he designed new programs and solved various design challenges on the way down.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!