03-14-2023, 08:26 PM
(03-14-2023, 05:30 PM)Duke.Togo Wrote: There's a certain number of posts I typically won't bother responding to, but, there's also a narrative that seems to be continuing on this forum in terms of what Maverick is that no matter how many times I've posted about, seems to be repeated. So, I'm going to throw one last general post about Maverick up here. I'll also go a little more into my experiences with the program now that it's finally out, so anyone who may be on the fence about it will at least have an idea of what to expect.
First, if anyone on this forum is unsure of what the definition of potential is, please do yourselves a favor and google it. Seriously. Google it. Because if you do read the definition, you'll know it has nothing to do with working like a dog, grinding, or any other fucking iterative of those terms. Everyone get that? Great. Can we finally move on from idiotic posts talking about how Maverick is going to consume your lives with work and nothing else now. Thanks.
Next, and @FluffyBunny , this one's more for you Brother. My answer was a little harsh regarding your question, so I wanted to give you a proper response this time around. The reason why I said to put your relationship goals on hold for now is really twofold. When you begin your journey with Maverick, the first few months will result in tremendous growth and often significant change. Those changes will affect how you see yourself and how you see the world around you. You will more than likely start to cut certain people out of your life that you realize are either holding you back or are simply not aligned with who you're becoming. If you're just beginning a relationship with someone as you kickoff Maverick, more than likely, you will outgrow that person and inevitably end up hurting them. This is why I say that it's best to put those pursuits on hold at the beginning until you get to a point where you know where you stand. They don't know what you're about to embark on with Maverick, but you do, so they're at an unfair advantage of what's to come for you and where they may or may not fit. The second reason I will get back to later in this post. I will just add, for those that have strong, grounded relationships, I don't think this applies. An example would be @NOMAD primarily because he's someone who has a very strong sense of self. Maverick wouldn't impact him in the relationship department in the same way.
Another strong facet of Maverick that will become apparent to those that use it long enough is, it will make you a very polarizing individual. But, the reason why you become polarizing is one of the driving forces of Maverick, and that is honesty. And I mean this in the truest sense (no pun intended). Maverick strips away all the bullshit, burns away all the different categorical identification models that people have picked up over the years, where we seem to consistently be reliving high school prom over and over again. The terms alpha, beta, sigma, ENTJ, INTP, Capricorn, Taurus, Gemini, or any other ideology that you have adopted and or tried to identify with goes out the fucking door. Maverick is fiercely about being your most honest self. That means identifying what's amazing about you and also seeing where the monsters crawl. But more than that, it works to reconcile those parts of you in a way where you're no longer afraid of either the light or the dark shadows that linger in your soul. This acceptance makes you a complete human being. You learn to love your scars instead of constantly scabbing at them. And in that sense, there is a deep and profound healing that takes place.
Another aspect of Maverick that is polarizing is a continuation of that sense of self and how you begin to perceive your time. Look around at most people and even at your own life. Most people aren't even asleep at the wheel, instead they're on a fully packed steel coffin train running down a one way track to death. The majority of people I know spend their lives in two states; living in the past or dreaming of the future. Most people never live in the moment. Maverick forces you to live in the here and now. It forces you to go after everything you want now. It shifts you into this present state in an almost hyperdrive like way.
So what happens when you start living for yourself?
Well, to quote an earlier poster, you become a narcissist. Because you suddenly realize that unlike a video game, you don't get spawned again and again, time is not on your side and tomorrow comes with no guarantees. You want the best of life, you only have now to experience it. When you're living in the present state constantly, you're forced to live at your best, because otherwise you become painfully aware that you're wasting away. Now again, living at your best has nothing to do with working all the time. It means you are living at your best, whatever the fuck that means to you. If it is working all the time, then have at it. But this drive to live your one and only life is a very, very big departure from everyone around you. So, when you suddenly become all about yourself and living your best life, you will be labeled a narcissist by those around you. It's happened to me in my own life in the real world. So, when someone you know throws that word at you, trying to demean who you are, you should give them a very big thank you, because that's a key indicator that you're on the right path.
Finally, I'll get back to the other reason around why relationships can become tumultuous on Maverick. Typically around the fourth or fifth month of use, something very strange starts to happen. All of a sudden, more and more attractive women (or men) will suddenly pop up in your life and before you know it they literally start throwing themselves at you. It's fucking insane how many gorgeous women just began coming into my life and how easy it was for me to hookup. I already mentioned that I have two hot 20 something asian girls on lock that I can call pretty much any time I want for a threesome session. And I'm a guy heading into my late 40's now. And they aren't the only women I have on lock. Everywhere I go these days I seem to meet another woman that wants to have drinks or get together and I honestly don't have the fucking time. God help me if I was still in my 20's and running Maverick...
This is probably the longest post I've written on Maverick and hopefully it answers any remaining questions that users of the forum might have and also clear up some misconceptions about what the sub does. I won't be around much for the next two weeks or so, but if anyone has anything else they want to know about my specific experiences on Maverick, either drop me a line in PM or post here. I'll circle back in a few weeks.
Makes a lot of sense. Usually the most successful people in life are "misunderstood" by the people around them because they are living on a whole other level. The amount of focus, drive, and ambition necessary to achieve top notch results require you to naturally be different than those around you. Like @Duke.Togo said, "Most people never live in the moment. Maverick forces you to live in the here and now." I think if anyone is going to run Maverick, they're going to have to be okay being different from everyone else, in the best way