11-22-2022, 12:46 AM
(11-21-2022, 06:22 PM)Duke.Togo Wrote: I posted this in Shannon's journal, however, I'm sure in due time the post will get lost in the shuffle so I am posting a copy of it here for anyone that is interested. I hope this answers any questions that folks have about Maverick and sheds some more insight with regards to my experiences with it.
(11-21-2022, 03:05 PM)Shannon Wrote: If you're comparing them, then you're either not understanding Maverick at all, or you're looking for AM. Maverick is about achieving your natural potential and expressing and experiencing it, while the focus is not on "being or becoming alpha".
I'm quoting a small part of Shannon's post here in this reply. I have been hesitant to talk too much about my experiences with Maverick until now, because I want everyone to go into this sub on their own. That being said, there have been several recurring questions so I wanted to address a few points and also share some of my experiences. A copy of this post will exist in my journal as well.
First things first, some of what I have to say may offend some of the forum members. I would apologize, but I don't believe in apologizing for being honest.
Let's start with getting some of the obvious things out of the way. If you are trying to compare Maverick to AM, UMS, or any of the other subs in the IML catalog, then you're not ready to run Maverick. It's really as simple as that.
There's a reason why this sub is called Maverick and is listed as a premium program, separate from the existing IML catalog.
The very definition of what a Maverick is - an unorthodox or independent-minded person. This means that if you're thinking of being alpha, you're running contrary to the definition of a Maverick, because quite frankly, a real Maverick doesn't give a shit if you see him as alpha or beta or a three headed mutation from the planet Xylon.
Since running this sub, there is only one question that I ask myself everyday, one question that drives me in everything I do. How far can I go? That's it. That one question currently defines every aspect of my life. The only thing I want to know is how far can I go. What is my ceiling? And how do I know when I've hit that ceiling?
This drive to answer a single question has made me more free, more happy, more willing to cut the excess bullshit out of my life. Want to know what true freedom feels like? It's when you know you can walk away from anyone or anything without thinking twice about the what if. And the reason why you won't ask that what if is because you already know you can go farther and higher than you have prior to that.
In the four months of running Maverick I have cut people out of my life that were either toxic or a waste of my energy. People I had previously kept in my life out of some misplaced sense of loyalty due to the number of years I had known them. I have walked away from a business partner and literally handed him all of the IP for a trading system I had developed, because I knew I could build something better. And even after giving him everything, the guy sent me three days worth of emails shitting on me for leaving. The reason why he did that is because that's his limit. He needs me because he can't do it on his own even with all of the infrastructure and code. I have since then started building a whole new system of trading that is already proving much more profitable for me than the old system.
I also recently saw one of my ex's, the second woman I have ever loved in my life, she was my perfect 10. And while seeing her brought some memories up for me, I realized that if being in love was the most I wanted from life, I could have had that when she and I reconnected. But it isn't. I walked away from that knowing I want something more from my life.
The problem with all of the examples I listed above is that some of you are going to read these items and look at it only at face value. What won't be so apparent is my underlying mindset driving all of my actions. Has Maverick made me more financially successful? Yes, it absolutely has. But, I don't care about the money, I care about reaching my full potential in the industry I happen to play in, which is Finance. I want to see how far I can take myself there, and the money is just a byproduct of that. I'm in it to play the game at my maximum potential.
The same goes for women. I have no problem stepping to any number of gorgeous women and I know I can turn them inside out and willing to fulfill whatever whimsical desire I have in any particular moment. That's already happened more than once over the last few months of using Maverick. Maverick allows me to look at what I want and reach my maximum capabilities towards that particular desire.
This is why Shannon and I have both stated that the goal of Maverick is to drive the individual to reach their absolute potential.
And that's where the kicker really lies. To reach your maximum potential, you need to have a strong base. You have to have mental fortitude in a way that you might not yet.
A month ago I blew 15 grand on a trade I knew was going to fail just to test a part of my system. I didn't blink an eye at that, because I knew I would make 10x that once I tweaked my code. 6 months ago, even if I knew I would get 10x back, I'd still be thinking about the fact that I just pissed away 15k knowing the trade would bust. There is a kind of mental fortress that Maverick starts to build around a user. Risk is measured and controlled, but the boundaries are constantly pushed.
Let me be clear once again, these results are relevant to me only because this is what currently drives me. And this work that I am talking about, this is from my side project, not from what I do with my day job. Even there, Maverick has shown me the limitations with my current role. As I had mentioned in a previous post, I currently hold a C-Level title and manage over 100 Billion Dollars of risk for a financial firm. I'm now at a point where I am ready to leave this role behind me because I know I can do even more on my own.
All this isn't to say that Maverick makes you callous with emotional matters or that you stop giving a shit about the people who do mean something to you. I have come to appreciate the few people around me that I can really call my friends and the members of my family that I have had a long standing bond with.
I just see the world differently. Labels, roles, expectations don't carry any weight with me. I'm not moved by the herd mentality. The only thing that moves me now is what I am passionate about.
As Shannon posted above, and I have to reiterate this point again, everyone who runs Maverick needs a good strong base before you start this journey. Otherwise, you won't really benefit from what Maverick will do for you. And Maverick will manifest differently for every person who uses it. Because while Finance is what drives me and I love playing that game, others might be driven by art, real estate, writing, women, men, sports, science, etc. The goal is to reach your full potential. And while people talk about potential all the time, I don't think most people ever realize what reaching their full potential even feels like or how it changes you.
So there's a fairly long review with some more concrete examples of what Maverick is designed to do.
For anyone interested in what my baseline looked like prior to running Maverick, I previously ran DMSI and MLS. I never ran AM, WM, SM, UMS, OF, or any of the other subs in IML's catalog.
My DMSI and MLS journals are still posted. My major breakthroughs came with DMSI 3.1 and then MLS. Those two subs specifically formed the basis of my grounding, since I'm sure some of your are curious. Maverick has since been taking me into territory that was previously unknown to me, and yet more unknowns await me still. But I'm ready for whatever comes next.
For those of you that are considering running Maverick, the question you have to ask yourselves is, are you ready for what comes next for you...
So if the shop was a videogame,Maverick would be the final boss from what I understand? Awesome, I knew I had to be Patient anyway.