Otherwise then that war and declaration of war and embracing war makes the masculine spirit thrive there is not much to write other then that Im almost at the end of the current stage. War is a theme now and elevates me higher, the loss of fear to conflict sets the masculine spirit free. embrace death, embrace it all.
This also ties in with my sudden interest in tactics, the 33 strategies of war and other military like stuff that is appliable in my work and life. There are things that come natural and not all is found in books. sometimes, books are even more of a way to create confusion in my casde, like seduction. A pure fall on my own skills, abundance, confidence and knowing, an inward journey it is. Im doing really good and praise myself in this self validation towards myself. I remember reading the 33 strategies of war by Robert Green and that I did read it to a extent but it clicks way more deeper now. The realisation of life is war and masculine spirit thriving and the concept of anger and the Nietzsche quote of being warlike by nature is something really deep. Exciting and ecstatic at this point.
Im making myself the project. I experience disconnections and playground expansion. A natural detachment of clarity and understanding in spirit and core. No longer so attached and invested but more of a strategist. Im also a lover in that manner, a passionate one. I see how many elements such as the thrill and slight fear can create something ecstatic. Im trusting in my skill and experience. Its an art to me.
I scored high on narcissism and machiavelian today with some test, it brings me back in the rebeliousness of myself and the question all believe none arena. Like Im stubborn and disruptive of the quo, and using it to my advantage and sometimes having a more reckless and non caring spirit, unhindred by all and anything, rather more pure self indulgent, reckless, antisocial and mischivious. Good bedroom stuff.
Confusion and strong emotional feelings are stirring up, its like a fog occupying my mind and am reading the way of the superior man by David Deida. Im again anew, and my goal is to move towards a bigger city and the expand my externals and world. Living instead of reading so much and trusting myself more. There is pain underneath these avoidances which makes me suddenly want to fall down in awe and cry over this loss thats underneath it, supported by moonlight sonata.
Im integrating choices of subs including AM. AM is the choice amongst other subs. Running it and yet extention. This realisation cleans up fear. Also thrilled for DMSI as a follow up. All subs are, are extentions of myself and investment in this. Now im starting to uncover why I spend much time on the forums amongst other things. Wherever the changes bring me, they will. Wherever I focus, energy flows. I start to uncover reasons actions and choices and what it drives me. Clueless but feeling good. Im coming to terms with fear clearing.
This also ties in with my sudden interest in tactics, the 33 strategies of war and other military like stuff that is appliable in my work and life. There are things that come natural and not all is found in books. sometimes, books are even more of a way to create confusion in my casde, like seduction. A pure fall on my own skills, abundance, confidence and knowing, an inward journey it is. Im doing really good and praise myself in this self validation towards myself. I remember reading the 33 strategies of war by Robert Green and that I did read it to a extent but it clicks way more deeper now. The realisation of life is war and masculine spirit thriving and the concept of anger and the Nietzsche quote of being warlike by nature is something really deep. Exciting and ecstatic at this point.
Im making myself the project. I experience disconnections and playground expansion. A natural detachment of clarity and understanding in spirit and core. No longer so attached and invested but more of a strategist. Im also a lover in that manner, a passionate one. I see how many elements such as the thrill and slight fear can create something ecstatic. Im trusting in my skill and experience. Its an art to me.
I scored high on narcissism and machiavelian today with some test, it brings me back in the rebeliousness of myself and the question all believe none arena. Like Im stubborn and disruptive of the quo, and using it to my advantage and sometimes having a more reckless and non caring spirit, unhindred by all and anything, rather more pure self indulgent, reckless, antisocial and mischivious. Good bedroom stuff.
Confusion and strong emotional feelings are stirring up, its like a fog occupying my mind and am reading the way of the superior man by David Deida. Im again anew, and my goal is to move towards a bigger city and the expand my externals and world. Living instead of reading so much and trusting myself more. There is pain underneath these avoidances which makes me suddenly want to fall down in awe and cry over this loss thats underneath it, supported by moonlight sonata.
Im integrating choices of subs including AM. AM is the choice amongst other subs. Running it and yet extention. This realisation cleans up fear. Also thrilled for DMSI as a follow up. All subs are, are extentions of myself and investment in this. Now im starting to uncover why I spend much time on the forums amongst other things. Wherever the changes bring me, they will. Wherever I focus, energy flows. I start to uncover reasons actions and choices and what it drives me. Clueless but feeling good. Im coming to terms with fear clearing.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus