02-09-2016, 07:48 AM
+ intense social push with no outcome other then getting familiar with it, being free of outcome dependence
+ all is possible right now, i am asc at this point, its further digging and integrating in my core being
+ eye contact is an given at this point, its getting more seductive, more dominant at times, setting the frame
+ had an deeper more intense asc experience today where I proclaimed confidence as all that is, ultimate freedom
+ i experience love feelings and bath in this abundance, its almost throwing yourself naked in an group of girls/women, just for the sake of it. Its an abcense of fear, total and utterly amazing. Im euphoric.
Had some intense tiredness feelings today and anxieties coming up, including an slight pleaser phase. I can walk away from people as if somethig has broken and feel pretty awesome right now. Did question lots of things, letting go starts at times with acknowledging it, hence making sense as my response was supression of negative feelings in the past.
When those breakthroughs of the sub happen and I reach an deeper confidence, its almost unreal. Not really derealisation but slightly dreamy quality to it. Im typing now in absolute confidence.
+ all is possible right now, i am asc at this point, its further digging and integrating in my core being
+ eye contact is an given at this point, its getting more seductive, more dominant at times, setting the frame
+ had an deeper more intense asc experience today where I proclaimed confidence as all that is, ultimate freedom
+ i experience love feelings and bath in this abundance, its almost throwing yourself naked in an group of girls/women, just for the sake of it. Its an abcense of fear, total and utterly amazing. Im euphoric.
Had some intense tiredness feelings today and anxieties coming up, including an slight pleaser phase. I can walk away from people as if somethig has broken and feel pretty awesome right now. Did question lots of things, letting go starts at times with acknowledging it, hence making sense as my response was supression of negative feelings in the past.
When those breakthroughs of the sub happen and I reach an deeper confidence, its almost unreal. Not really derealisation but slightly dreamy quality to it. Im typing now in absolute confidence.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus