day 60 ( 36 + ?? days remain )
My energy is high, I am ecstatic and reeling. I cant even begin to start saying how strong this sub is. Its integrating in my very being. Im off the charts. Im still in an fight between procrastination but so sure in myself aswell. Im utterly and completely changing. Almost crying as to what this sub is doing, all is rolling, all time high.
Its an whole different level of living, being, existing. To think what this sub can do when someone runs it 192 days is incredibly profound.
Offline journal snippit ( yet is freeflow writing, no structure basically )
i see all woman as sexual creatures now, sexual machinary
overwhelmingly approach confdence yet not neediness in an way but option
an natural sense of status and value, the internal changes towards myself are obvious
what bothered me before doenst do now, high value in my mind and being
its building itself up like coming towards climax in it getting more and more solid
changing towards curiosity and no longer entertaining that fear but to bite the bullet
whos to say you NEED AM 7.0 ( this really this! caught me by suprise as to how liberating it is )
high status and high value really are settling now in terms of woman, wow.
lots of coming up form my subconscious
might be an lack of status belief in oneself regarding woman, an limited belief so to say. conviction.
not all girls qualify, this is very striongly solidifying and give an equal sense of freedom. i see myself with high quality females
i can make it way more special this way. like next level shit. its choice, not neediness.
change in viewing it
needingh? hell no. swap lol, walking away
porn is reaqlized as non helping and even fruitless and waste of whatever
whats in my head. boundaries> gettign aware of whats playing
eye contact gets firmly and aggressive in fix, overflowing sense of confidence and plain clearness
breakthrough in nudity amnd nudeness. breakthrough sense of going,l wider interest and explanation if wanting, such as the esoteric and what not, bigger interest in now and bigger confidence supporting it. once some light is shed./breakthrough has taken place, other things surface
overjhwelming self support instead of. its self sufficient
no longer is deservedness linked to my horniness but to an inner realisation of it.
directly clear action, lack of fear and hesitation aswell as an freedom through abundance and non neediness, hang ups will be lesser? its like an settling if reality and an shift of it
an deeper independent sense of going and being absolutely certain an dominant confident, its not all dominance yes.
changing internal beliefs
Woke up very confident. my dream revolved around people busting me and another people involving some 3rd world environment in terms of living place and building, firewoks and blacklivesmatter movement. throwing off fireworks around and me all being anxious around that because we could get busted.
The sub is bursting through, breaking through. im feeling very uninhibited and off the charts. i want to escalate and see all as something to push further and further through automatically.ASc was and is right. no need to be nice and liked. less needy, big sense of importance in listening to the sub, like an bigger sense overcome. feeling pressure and completely being sure
sexually charged. i can be quite militant and tribe minded. catch myself in "do i play her games, am i needy?"asc will deal with this eventually and push me out of my head. change in lifestyle. taking care of your duaghters hahaha,.
getting aware of turn offs for a reason. internal changes are huge. big energy.
getting conscious of peoples voice qualities and liking of the kind of voice? bodylanguage nd eye contact aswell.abundance definitely clicking, its liberating
confidently wanna kiss you.
appraoch becomes duty?? more to it then that. getting high value. more rounded and conplete, ethos coming out. calm in an storm.almost lone wolf in terms of independence at times. getting aware ofm my posture./ also forced to watch ( spiders for example, its trance like ) random frustration and aggression, hostility and opposition. what all happens in the world doesnt make sense at all and causes some emotions to sexy as fuck, no guilt or fit out. strong internal shit.
strong sense fo confidence everywhere i go
cutting ties with former life, its limited beliefs, the character and self image of being grown up and what not, ones capability and what is ones "true self?"
and at times in simply dont care at all
its great that women are otherly wired
im feeling light and content, smiling
The internal changes are massive. My status mindset is solidifying, it keeps returning and repeating itself. I do still have difficulties with online chat at times, as for some reason im getting all in my head, which makes sense actually. I want to be skilled everywhere eventually, online aswell as offline flowing. In the end even being fully offline like that face to face, being in abundance and living in paradise which is pretty reachable as of now. Im off the charts. its insane as to how much im flowing and am lacking hesitation right now. Im radiating confidence. The sub is fully overwhelming me right now and all is good. Like, one thought pops up and is directly directed otherwise, overcome or anything like that. Its so so natural.
My energy is high, I am ecstatic and reeling. I cant even begin to start saying how strong this sub is. Its integrating in my very being. Im off the charts. Im still in an fight between procrastination but so sure in myself aswell. Im utterly and completely changing. Almost crying as to what this sub is doing, all is rolling, all time high.
Its an whole different level of living, being, existing. To think what this sub can do when someone runs it 192 days is incredibly profound.
Offline journal snippit ( yet is freeflow writing, no structure basically )
i see all woman as sexual creatures now, sexual machinary
overwhelmingly approach confdence yet not neediness in an way but option
an natural sense of status and value, the internal changes towards myself are obvious
what bothered me before doenst do now, high value in my mind and being
its building itself up like coming towards climax in it getting more and more solid
changing towards curiosity and no longer entertaining that fear but to bite the bullet
whos to say you NEED AM 7.0 ( this really this! caught me by suprise as to how liberating it is )
high status and high value really are settling now in terms of woman, wow.
lots of coming up form my subconscious
might be an lack of status belief in oneself regarding woman, an limited belief so to say. conviction.
not all girls qualify, this is very striongly solidifying and give an equal sense of freedom. i see myself with high quality females
i can make it way more special this way. like next level shit. its choice, not neediness.
change in viewing it
needingh? hell no. swap lol, walking away
porn is reaqlized as non helping and even fruitless and waste of whatever
whats in my head. boundaries> gettign aware of whats playing
eye contact gets firmly and aggressive in fix, overflowing sense of confidence and plain clearness
breakthrough in nudity amnd nudeness. breakthrough sense of going,l wider interest and explanation if wanting, such as the esoteric and what not, bigger interest in now and bigger confidence supporting it. once some light is shed./breakthrough has taken place, other things surface
overjhwelming self support instead of. its self sufficient
no longer is deservedness linked to my horniness but to an inner realisation of it.
directly clear action, lack of fear and hesitation aswell as an freedom through abundance and non neediness, hang ups will be lesser? its like an settling if reality and an shift of it
an deeper independent sense of going and being absolutely certain an dominant confident, its not all dominance yes.
changing internal beliefs
Woke up very confident. my dream revolved around people busting me and another people involving some 3rd world environment in terms of living place and building, firewoks and blacklivesmatter movement. throwing off fireworks around and me all being anxious around that because we could get busted.
The sub is bursting through, breaking through. im feeling very uninhibited and off the charts. i want to escalate and see all as something to push further and further through automatically.ASc was and is right. no need to be nice and liked. less needy, big sense of importance in listening to the sub, like an bigger sense overcome. feeling pressure and completely being sure
sexually charged. i can be quite militant and tribe minded. catch myself in "do i play her games, am i needy?"asc will deal with this eventually and push me out of my head. change in lifestyle. taking care of your duaghters hahaha,.
getting aware of turn offs for a reason. internal changes are huge. big energy.
getting conscious of peoples voice qualities and liking of the kind of voice? bodylanguage nd eye contact aswell.abundance definitely clicking, its liberating
confidently wanna kiss you.
appraoch becomes duty?? more to it then that. getting high value. more rounded and conplete, ethos coming out. calm in an storm.almost lone wolf in terms of independence at times. getting aware ofm my posture./ also forced to watch ( spiders for example, its trance like ) random frustration and aggression, hostility and opposition. what all happens in the world doesnt make sense at all and causes some emotions to sexy as fuck, no guilt or fit out. strong internal shit.
strong sense fo confidence everywhere i go
cutting ties with former life, its limited beliefs, the character and self image of being grown up and what not, ones capability and what is ones "true self?"
and at times in simply dont care at all
its great that women are otherly wired
im feeling light and content, smiling
The internal changes are massive. My status mindset is solidifying, it keeps returning and repeating itself. I do still have difficulties with online chat at times, as for some reason im getting all in my head, which makes sense actually. I want to be skilled everywhere eventually, online aswell as offline flowing. In the end even being fully offline like that face to face, being in abundance and living in paradise which is pretty reachable as of now. Im off the charts. its insane as to how much im flowing and am lacking hesitation right now. Im radiating confidence. The sub is fully overwhelming me right now and all is good. Like, one thought pops up and is directly directed otherwise, overcome or anything like that. Its so so natural.
The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. - epictetus