(12-18-2015, 06:13 PM)TheRealJustin Wrote:(12-18-2015, 05:31 PM)Hercules Wrote: So I just was reaserchching Whilem Reichs stuff in orgasm in. which he talks about that the Subconcious is most receptive in the orgastic state. This has made me think that why don't the powers that be use this to their advantage and put Subliminals in porn or sigils. I've been wanking for 4 years and I've stopped completely and on day 13 of no fap. Porn has really torn apart my life. With millions of men wanking why not use that to manifest a reality that they desire. I mean they have been reasearching this since the 50s with MK ultra. It also seems they have a war on men with measures to take down and make males submissive. This includes estrogen everywhere in baby formula, plastics, water and being sprayed in the crops as pesticides. Combine that with wanking you get a submissive population. What are your thoughts.
Lol, most people don't realize the illuminati is turning everyone gay and into cross dressers and tranny's and stuff. The people on top will get all the women and money and the people on the bottom are left to fu*k each other up the butt lmao.
You're a smart guy to realize that they are turning men into submissives to the point where a lot even want to become women and see themselves as women. It's horrible, but this world is run behind the scenes by truly wicked people.
@realjustin you get it
@hercules thats why we all should use anti estrogens
atd, bromo, arimstane,formastane, and nolvadex are good ones to choose
20mg tamoxifen citrate is enough to make you feel more manly and dominant
the estrogens and progestins are fucking up our minds