When you listen to Absolute Self Confidence, you can feel and notice a difference in your mannerism almost immediately. If you read other Journals on the ‘Attract/Manifest You Perfect’ subliminals. Every so often, Shannon of Indigo Mind Labs will give his feedback. Shannon, has written many times that you should “Set (press play) and Forget (that it is playing)” and you won’t feel a thing until... “BAM, She shows up in your life!!!” Keeping that in mind, I deleted my original journal because some people kept reminding me that the things I was noticing/reporting was my imagination. If you read Ricardo’s Journal, you will read he has experience similar things from listening to Manifest Your Perfect Sexual Lover.
What I experienced with Manifest Your Perfect Sexual Lover-
When I listened to ASC, I was tired for 8 days before I started feeling normal. I felt tired for about 15 days from listening to MYPSL before I felt normal. Both titles are 5th generation subliminals so I guess I had more resistance to MYPSL.
Being absent minded -
I went to the store, forgot my checkbook, had to go back home and back to the store.
I lost my cell phone of 5 years, then I lost the replacement cell phone 1 week later.
Constantly forgot my work keys, work id, work clothes had to go back home to get them so I could do my job. Started double checking everything I needed before I left home.
Being pushed/nudged -
I would drive left instead of right and end up at a different destination only to find a sale on the item I intended to buy anyways!
One time I was determined to go against the pushes/nudges and went to where I wanted to go, didn’t find what I was looking for and ended up going to the other shopping center I was being pushed/nudged to go to in the first place, yes... I found what I was looking for!
If you reread Day 54, pay attention that I received a text from my Uncle that ‘pushed/nudged’ me into stopping at the grocery store/pharmacy where I encountered her.
Attention from the opposite sex - three groups
Women I knew went out of their way to get my attention. If I didn’t say ‘hi’ they would get verbally upset and ask me if they were invisible. When I didn’t feel like having a conversation, I would touch them on the upper arm and they were content I acknowledged they were there.
Women I didn’t know were compelled to share the drama in their lives. Not all - most, I finally figured out - it was because of what I was saying. “Hi! How are you?” omg! run... If I just said “Hi!” I would get a “Hi!” back. When I included “How are you?” Maybe 10 or 15 minutes later, I walked away wondering... (Why did she tell me that? I don’t even know her!)
Girls under the age of 18 would be giggling, this happened a few times with different groups of girls. I’d look around who is giggling and when I made eye contact, the giggling got louder! When I exit the area I was in and turned around, the girls were by the window or door watching me as I walked away.
When I’m walking towards a man, he will stop and move aside until I pass. There is plenty of room for both of us to walk past each other. After I walk by, I will look behind me to see if there is a crowd behind me and nothing, no one, just empty space.
Desire to go out alone -
Before MYPSL, I used to call friends or relatives just to find someone to keep me company when I did my errands or go someplace for fun. I noticed I stopped dialing the phone and started going out by myself. Very empowering.
Desire to exercise -
Bought a weight bench and started doing body weight exercises at home combined with dumbbell exercises on the weight bench.
Desire to clean home -
This is unusual. My mom is blind and everything in my home is in a specific place to make her life more comfortable. Still I found myself tidying up more than usual.
Anger is gone... I have this inner peace and calmness. -
The transmission died on the golf cart I rely on at work. When I was told it would be a long time before they got another one, I just sat there smiling, no burst of anger! Before MYPSL, I would have probably been suspended for a week for yelling profanities!
The petite woman that started me on this journey to purchase MYPSL and manifest a lover into my life is no longer talking to me, unless I speak to her first and when she answers you can feel the chill in the air. Before MYPSL, I would be angry about her behavior towards me and keep silent. Now I smile and sound like an old friend when I say "HI petite woman!!!
" It sounds like I am singing when I speak it...
Unusually polite -
I was in the waiting room while my Mom was with the Dentist. I was unusually polite in the waiting room, opening the door for the senior citizens, getting them the key to the restroom and returning the key when they were done. Usually I just watch what is on tv or read a magazine and mind my own business. When my Mom and I left she told me the girls in the office wanted to know if I was dating someone.
What I experienced with Manifest Your Perfect Sexual Lover-
When I listened to ASC, I was tired for 8 days before I started feeling normal. I felt tired for about 15 days from listening to MYPSL before I felt normal. Both titles are 5th generation subliminals so I guess I had more resistance to MYPSL.
Being absent minded -
I went to the store, forgot my checkbook, had to go back home and back to the store.
I lost my cell phone of 5 years, then I lost the replacement cell phone 1 week later.
Constantly forgot my work keys, work id, work clothes had to go back home to get them so I could do my job. Started double checking everything I needed before I left home.
Being pushed/nudged -
I would drive left instead of right and end up at a different destination only to find a sale on the item I intended to buy anyways!
One time I was determined to go against the pushes/nudges and went to where I wanted to go, didn’t find what I was looking for and ended up going to the other shopping center I was being pushed/nudged to go to in the first place, yes... I found what I was looking for!
If you reread Day 54, pay attention that I received a text from my Uncle that ‘pushed/nudged’ me into stopping at the grocery store/pharmacy where I encountered her.
Attention from the opposite sex - three groups
Women I knew went out of their way to get my attention. If I didn’t say ‘hi’ they would get verbally upset and ask me if they were invisible. When I didn’t feel like having a conversation, I would touch them on the upper arm and they were content I acknowledged they were there.
Women I didn’t know were compelled to share the drama in their lives. Not all - most, I finally figured out - it was because of what I was saying. “Hi! How are you?” omg! run... If I just said “Hi!” I would get a “Hi!” back. When I included “How are you?” Maybe 10 or 15 minutes later, I walked away wondering... (Why did she tell me that? I don’t even know her!)
Girls under the age of 18 would be giggling, this happened a few times with different groups of girls. I’d look around who is giggling and when I made eye contact, the giggling got louder! When I exit the area I was in and turned around, the girls were by the window or door watching me as I walked away.
When I’m walking towards a man, he will stop and move aside until I pass. There is plenty of room for both of us to walk past each other. After I walk by, I will look behind me to see if there is a crowd behind me and nothing, no one, just empty space.
Desire to go out alone -
Before MYPSL, I used to call friends or relatives just to find someone to keep me company when I did my errands or go someplace for fun. I noticed I stopped dialing the phone and started going out by myself. Very empowering.
Desire to exercise -
Bought a weight bench and started doing body weight exercises at home combined with dumbbell exercises on the weight bench.
Desire to clean home -
This is unusual. My mom is blind and everything in my home is in a specific place to make her life more comfortable. Still I found myself tidying up more than usual.
Anger is gone... I have this inner peace and calmness. -
The transmission died on the golf cart I rely on at work. When I was told it would be a long time before they got another one, I just sat there smiling, no burst of anger! Before MYPSL, I would have probably been suspended for a week for yelling profanities!
The petite woman that started me on this journey to purchase MYPSL and manifest a lover into my life is no longer talking to me, unless I speak to her first and when she answers you can feel the chill in the air. Before MYPSL, I would be angry about her behavior towards me and keep silent. Now I smile and sound like an old friend when I say "HI petite woman!!!

Unusually polite -
I was in the waiting room while my Mom was with the Dentist. I was unusually polite in the waiting room, opening the door for the senior citizens, getting them the key to the restroom and returning the key when they were done. Usually I just watch what is on tv or read a magazine and mind my own business. When my Mom and I left she told me the girls in the office wanted to know if I was dating someone.
When you imagine something vividly... your subconscious will bring it into reality.
When you imagine something vividly... your subconscious will bring it into reality.