(02-27-2011, 05:06 PM)spiralout1988 Wrote: I would just def. do it Jackie. It sounds too good to pass up. Doing 2 should be fine.. especially since they aren't big sets.
Yea, you're right. It's worth trying anyway, and if it gets to be too much or my brain feels like it's going to explode, I'll just cut back

I downloaded the trickling stream version, so we'll see if it helps me sleep like the ocean waves do....either that or maybe I'll be feeling like I have to pee haha. Oh! But no worries cause if that happens we also have a sub for "end bed wetting"- problem solved!

Generally people say that I come across really confident and friendly as well as happy, but inside it's always a struggle. I can talk in general terms about being "happy", but why can't it be a more consistent state of mind and feeling? I've experienced feelings of intense joy where I feel so loving, loved, and grateful for everything around me, so why couldn't I create that space for myself more often? So much of how we feel we let outside influences dictate, but we really have the power and ability to control how we react and feel all the time.
I look at my life, and virtually everything in it is completely positive and good. So why is it that hard to stay connected to that feeling? Why is it so easy to let stress come in? I mean, I basically know that I have the power to either let something bother me, or let it roll off. I've gotten better with this over the years. Man, when I think back on it I used to be really overly sensitive....a people pleaser type who could never feel good about myself unless I was doing something for someone else. That might sound selfless, but it's also co-dependent behavior....not good. It's like I couldn't be happy unless someone was validating me in someway. I've gotten over a lot of that, but I still need to work on finding that inner validation. That's the only kind that really matters.
It's funny cause I know so many things logically, but then putting them into some sort of emotional action is a whole other ballgame. It takes more time for that.
When you think about it, all anyone really wants ultimately is happiness. But what's happiness exactly, and what causes it? For some people it's materialistic things that make them happy. But it's short lived cause the novelty eventually wears off and then they're on to the next thing. It essentially creates a pattern of false perceptions of being happy, but only if something is being acquired. I don't think happiness is any particular circumstance, person, or thing, but a state of mind, a perception that's turned into a physiological response.
How awesome would it be to wake up everyday excited to start the day? I can't remember when the last time was I felt that way. Don't get me wrong, I wake up content, but that's not the same as happy.
I look forward to this tonight. Already I've started listening as I'm typing this out. The stream version is really nice. I won't be surprised if I have dreams tonight that involve me being on the ocean, or floating down a stream....awww...that sounds great. I grew up sailing on our sailboat, so anything involving the ocean and trickling water brings it all back. Those days on the boat were complete bliss. I take back what I said earlier about "no thing" being able to make you happy. For me, owning a sailboat again someday would be bliss.
(02-22-2011, 05:23 PM)Cortez Wrote: A ligher heart makes for a better day, that's for sure.
So true Cortez. Btw, I've been keeping up with your journal as well, and I know you always mention being indifferent and unattached from outcome. That's something I'd really like to be more consistent with and I'm curious as to whether you found ASC helped with that, or if you attribute it more to your using AM? I don't want to be totally unattached that I stop caring about stuff, but it'd be nice to let things slide off more consistently with out worrying about it.