09-22-2015, 11:12 AM
I can't comment on anything for your skin - hopefully you're young enough that by staying at a lower weight, the elasticity of your skin will take care of itself and retract on its own.
Regarding the weight loss, with your increased stress level, have you found you are eating significantly less? Make sure you're using a good protein blend with micellar casein and whey a few times per day, especially post-workout and before bed. I recently switched to using a free acid/creatine hcl blend from Muscle Tech called Creactor. I like it better than creatine mono, though you'd be hard pressed to find studies that show it's better. I'm stronger and I've put on 10 pounds without changing waist size.
Regarding the weight loss, with your increased stress level, have you found you are eating significantly less? Make sure you're using a good protein blend with micellar casein and whey a few times per day, especially post-workout and before bed. I recently switched to using a free acid/creatine hcl blend from Muscle Tech called Creactor. I like it better than creatine mono, though you'd be hard pressed to find studies that show it's better. I'm stronger and I've put on 10 pounds without changing waist size.