Thanks, sometimes ya just get wrapped up in that whirlwind, like a plastic bag floating in the wind... I couldn't help that
Day twenty something...captain's log
So I've been drinking lots of beer and eating pizza with jalapeños the past few days.
( my stomach is yelling at me with pain... Why?!)
I'm all messed up. Gambling. Fighting with family for no reason at all. It was bordering on depression.
...and then something wonderful happened.
I was driving around completely emotional and was looking for food and beer.
A thought just kept popping in my head to go to an old hang out. Got there and there was this bartender I crushed on but I thought she quit. She is around half my age. So I never really pursue it, but would love her if I did. She is a beautiful Brazilian but it's her demeanor that attracts me. Anyhoo, that's not the good part, I checked my email and BAM!
So, I've been lala lately with life. Well one of my life's wishes/passions has been to work in TV/film. I just got a chance to work on a pilot and will meet with one of the creators next week.
4kingdoms- thanks to you. Because of ur advice, I turned off the computer sat quietly with my notebook and blast off! I just started writing my favorite things and sent out a bunch of emails to anyone, I was drunk so there was beer courage. And then it happened.
It was a good night.
Is it wrong to want to date someone almost half my age?
It's the only reason I haven't asked her out, well that and I can't tell if she's just being nice cuz she's working for tips.
Don't get me wrong, I've landed a TV weather girl and dated a print ad model, but this girl has me smitten shy.
Is ther still the voting on here?
Let me know if you think it's ok to pursue... I'm turning 40 and she just turned 21
Oh, I look like I'm 30, she doesn't know my age at all.

Day twenty something...captain's log
So I've been drinking lots of beer and eating pizza with jalapeños the past few days.
( my stomach is yelling at me with pain... Why?!)
I'm all messed up. Gambling. Fighting with family for no reason at all. It was bordering on depression.
...and then something wonderful happened.
I was driving around completely emotional and was looking for food and beer.
A thought just kept popping in my head to go to an old hang out. Got there and there was this bartender I crushed on but I thought she quit. She is around half my age. So I never really pursue it, but would love her if I did. She is a beautiful Brazilian but it's her demeanor that attracts me. Anyhoo, that's not the good part, I checked my email and BAM!
So, I've been lala lately with life. Well one of my life's wishes/passions has been to work in TV/film. I just got a chance to work on a pilot and will meet with one of the creators next week.
4kingdoms- thanks to you. Because of ur advice, I turned off the computer sat quietly with my notebook and blast off! I just started writing my favorite things and sent out a bunch of emails to anyone, I was drunk so there was beer courage. And then it happened.
It was a good night.
Is it wrong to want to date someone almost half my age?
It's the only reason I haven't asked her out, well that and I can't tell if she's just being nice cuz she's working for tips.
Don't get me wrong, I've landed a TV weather girl and dated a print ad model, but this girl has me smitten shy.
Is ther still the voting on here?
Let me know if you think it's ok to pursue... I'm turning 40 and she just turned 21
Oh, I look like I'm 30, she doesn't know my age at all.