Day 3
No subs used in last 24 hours.
Thanks 4kingdoms for pointing out EPHRA has a recommended 3 month usage. I will be taking 32 days off subliminals as advised in the FAQs. Looks like I will now be starting the program on or around the 5th of September and aiming to finish in December.
During the time off subs I am going to start a Whole30 Diet (like Paleo) during the working week, and continue to read the Chimp Paradox hopefully finishing the book in 30 days.
Events from this morning, got a free filter Coffee from Pret a manger - if you say good morning to the staff and ask how they are, they will sometimes give you a free coffee. They do this in most of their London chains.
Oh and another thing, I did a quick 20 minute Yoga session last night, once finished and making my dedication I couldn't focus on my normal practice of thanking God, family, friends and loved ones - but had the urge to give love to Shannnon. Really weird!!
No subs used in last 24 hours.
Thanks 4kingdoms for pointing out EPHRA has a recommended 3 month usage. I will be taking 32 days off subliminals as advised in the FAQs. Looks like I will now be starting the program on or around the 5th of September and aiming to finish in December.
During the time off subs I am going to start a Whole30 Diet (like Paleo) during the working week, and continue to read the Chimp Paradox hopefully finishing the book in 30 days.
Events from this morning, got a free filter Coffee from Pret a manger - if you say good morning to the staff and ask how they are, they will sometimes give you a free coffee. They do this in most of their London chains.
Oh and another thing, I did a quick 20 minute Yoga session last night, once finished and making my dedication I couldn't focus on my normal practice of thanking God, family, friends and loved ones - but had the urge to give love to Shannnon. Really weird!!
NEW - Basic Speaker Setup for Subliminals - HERE
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My Intro and Ramblings -
My EHPRA Journal -
My Intro and Ramblings -