Thanks, Jake! I appreciate the encouragement. 
Unfortunately, that does not necessarily translate into me posting more often. I'm noticing a pattern in my writing here. When I'm confused, I make a new post in my journal and often that's enough for me to get clarity. On the other hand though, when I have clarity, putting my realizations into words only makes me confused.
In a way, posting less often here means that I'm getting more confident and I have more clarity. Of course, there still are times when I'm confused, demotivated, etc. but even then they follow a certain pattern, which I can easily identify. Once I identify a pattern, I know that it's only a matter of time before it dissolves and a new reality sets in. I suspect that this is what begins to happen once enough GSF is cleared.
There's a barrage of new realizations coming to me every day and most of the time it seems fruitless to share anything here, since it's only a matter of time for it to disappear and be replaced with another game-changer.
My main struggle at the moment (one that I can't fit into a pattern yet) is finding a real, authentic social circle of entrepreneurs that are doing a bit more than just sweet-talking investors and operating their startups at a loss. It's very surprising to me how willing our startup accelerators are to invest in people, who are clearly talking out of their butt.
Those same people then continue to give lectures and to become mentors, long before (if ever) they start operating at a profit. They are not necessarily bad people, but still it seems stupid. I guess that's to be expected when a philosophy like entrepreneurship turns mainstream. Just because it's entrepreneurship, it doesn't mean that people will suddenly stop responding to the shiny and start valuing substance.
Not that chasing the shiny is bad, in my opinion. Chasing it while pretending to be a dreamer and a visionary - now that sucks. It seems to hurt both your chances of becoming a visionary, as well as the chances of catching the shiny. That's my takeaway from the whole situation, which I realized just now and this journal has once again served its purpose. Thanks to anyone reading!

Unfortunately, that does not necessarily translate into me posting more often. I'm noticing a pattern in my writing here. When I'm confused, I make a new post in my journal and often that's enough for me to get clarity. On the other hand though, when I have clarity, putting my realizations into words only makes me confused.
In a way, posting less often here means that I'm getting more confident and I have more clarity. Of course, there still are times when I'm confused, demotivated, etc. but even then they follow a certain pattern, which I can easily identify. Once I identify a pattern, I know that it's only a matter of time before it dissolves and a new reality sets in. I suspect that this is what begins to happen once enough GSF is cleared.
There's a barrage of new realizations coming to me every day and most of the time it seems fruitless to share anything here, since it's only a matter of time for it to disappear and be replaced with another game-changer.
My main struggle at the moment (one that I can't fit into a pattern yet) is finding a real, authentic social circle of entrepreneurs that are doing a bit more than just sweet-talking investors and operating their startups at a loss. It's very surprising to me how willing our startup accelerators are to invest in people, who are clearly talking out of their butt.
Those same people then continue to give lectures and to become mentors, long before (if ever) they start operating at a profit. They are not necessarily bad people, but still it seems stupid. I guess that's to be expected when a philosophy like entrepreneurship turns mainstream. Just because it's entrepreneurship, it doesn't mean that people will suddenly stop responding to the shiny and start valuing substance.
Not that chasing the shiny is bad, in my opinion. Chasing it while pretending to be a dreamer and a visionary - now that sucks. It seems to hurt both your chances of becoming a visionary, as well as the chances of catching the shiny. That's my takeaway from the whole situation, which I realized just now and this journal has once again served its purpose. Thanks to anyone reading!