04-12-2015, 12:42 PM
Stage 6, day 13
It is becoming truly obvious, that I would have to let go of all my petty complains about life if I'm going to be as successful as I can be. Those include:
- not enough sex
- not enough feminine affection in general
- not enough money
- someone else is making (a ton) more money while delivering mediocre products and deceiving customers
- not enough time in a day
- etc, etc
All of these seem very meaningless to me now. How much sex must I get to be happy? How much money? What do I care how someone else chooses to live their life?
Maybe I can make up an answer, but in my experience, it always proves to be wrong. All these questions appear to be distractions to me figuring out how I want to live my life, right now. If I can sum up my BASE experience up to now, it would be that I "sacrificed" every other desire I might have had for myself for the desire for financial success.
That doesn't mean I haven't had sex, intimacy or other kinds of fun. In fact, sex is better than ever and I'm capable of having ever-deeper intimacy and honesty, sexual or not. But I no longer evaluate my life quality based on these occurrences, except for what they say about me as an entrepreneur. (they give me motivation and a different perspective, mostly)
Having a single goal, and evaluating your life situation solely based on your ability to achieve it... might just be what I call happiness right now. And I'm right there, happier than ever, even when I'm disappointed at someone or something (as it was just an hour ago). It seems very likely that this is BASE at work, because this mindset only makes greater success inevitable.
I'll reserve my final judgement for after I've completed my first run of BASE, but right now I can't see myself not running it again after a week of rest.
It is becoming truly obvious, that I would have to let go of all my petty complains about life if I'm going to be as successful as I can be. Those include:
- not enough sex
- not enough feminine affection in general
- not enough money
- someone else is making (a ton) more money while delivering mediocre products and deceiving customers
- not enough time in a day
- etc, etc
All of these seem very meaningless to me now. How much sex must I get to be happy? How much money? What do I care how someone else chooses to live their life?
Maybe I can make up an answer, but in my experience, it always proves to be wrong. All these questions appear to be distractions to me figuring out how I want to live my life, right now. If I can sum up my BASE experience up to now, it would be that I "sacrificed" every other desire I might have had for myself for the desire for financial success.
That doesn't mean I haven't had sex, intimacy or other kinds of fun. In fact, sex is better than ever and I'm capable of having ever-deeper intimacy and honesty, sexual or not. But I no longer evaluate my life quality based on these occurrences, except for what they say about me as an entrepreneur. (they give me motivation and a different perspective, mostly)
Having a single goal, and evaluating your life situation solely based on your ability to achieve it... might just be what I call happiness right now. And I'm right there, happier than ever, even when I'm disappointed at someone or something (as it was just an hour ago). It seems very likely that this is BASE at work, because this mindset only makes greater success inevitable.
I'll reserve my final judgement for after I've completed my first run of BASE, but right now I can't see myself not running it again after a week of rest.