03-26-2015, 03:17 AM
(03-23-2015, 04:43 PM)Why So Serious? Wrote: Geez.... what is up with people? I understand that I mess up things. I do my best to correct it qlong the way. I just don't feel like I should take full responsibility for something that is both our fault. What is everyone trying to do pull a fast one on me? It's like my bs meter is set to high.
It's odd I'm still trying to figure out a way that it could all be my fault so I don't have to get into any disagreements.
Oh and Shannon it really hit me today that yes most people do want to stay in their misery. Even though they say they want help. oh well lessonlearned.
People often don't see or don't want to see their part of responsibility. Sometimes it can be frustrating to see them going the easy way. Oh, and when it comes to bosses, they can be also confusing sometimes. I have had a boss who said I am doing a great job but a day later or so she told me about all the mistakes I am doing. I felt better after finding out that she has been that way to pretty much all people.