02-16-2015, 06:48 AM
(02-16-2015, 02:51 AM)4Kingdoms Wrote:Trust me, Its not just that. I personally wouldnt even want to date a guy who thinks its necessary to have sex only a few days after meeting.(02-16-2015, 02:35 AM)maniac360 Wrote: Most men are judgy that's why they don't even want to get serious, thinking a girl is a ***** because she have sex on the first night.
It depends on the social conditioning, if there was none you would do it the sooner.
And it is because of this labeling, name calling, beliefs that stop women from having sex with a man too soon. If the men that got lucky kept their thoughts to themselves and the women that are calling her names kept their thoughts to themselves. More women would be having sex.
History shows when young male Americans went to Europe in WW1 and WW2. They easily got laid because they didn't have the social stigma holding them back.
Sex shouldnt be the most important thing and if he cannot wait a bit it sounds like the guy has no control. What if the girl goes on a trip with a group of female friends or maybe her family? She should just let him cheat caus he cant handle a few days or weeks without sex? It also makes a girl feel like she is just a piece of meat because everything else about her isnt good enough to make him stay.

Its not just about what other people think... thats just a small part of it.
Of course im speaking for myself, pretty sure there are enough women out there who dont give a damn and sleep around as if its a handshake.

But yeah Im not really a party girl.