01-14-2015, 07:08 AM
This stage is making me feel rebelious and productive. I feel like just wanting to do my own thing with my own job and not care about getting a job working for someone who will try walk all over you. It happens everywhere. Every job will have people who think they are the ray of sunshine to the world, proving it by expecting you to kiss ass, and it really does p**s me off.
Not going into work this week. F**k it. Don't want to work my ass off at a place who doesn;t appreciate you or pay for your taxi ride home because you finish work late and you live far away
It's time to turn on the positivity and get to work on my own thing. Being able to move out, work for myself in the new apartment and enjoy live by myself is something I've wanted for a while now, even more cemented by this alpha male subliminals.
I must say stage 2 is definitely different. More noticable changes regarding indepenency and goal setting is aparent. So far so good
I'll keep you posted