01-08-2015, 05:51 AM
(01-08-2015, 03:46 AM)Mateunio Wrote: Stage 1 Day 26
I didn't write for some time now and reason is simple - I didn't have much to talk about. To be honest I'd not write this right now if not for the fact that I promised myself to update journal at least once per week. After all I use it to share my thoughts, but primary goal is to monitor my progress as time goes by. And how am I supposed to do that without any entries?
Stage nears it's end and it makes me almost sad. It seems that I finally got used to it, listening doesn't cause much resistance anymore and I finally got to work. I fear switching to next stage will make me strain again, getting used to again. Any experiences with that, guys?
I've had another dog dream tonight. This time it was my parents' little dog jumping over the fence and attacking 5 times bigger St Bernard. I was able to calm both of them, but once I'd stop caress them they would start fighting again. Why does maintaining peace require such effort?
Overall I feel better now. Very confused, but okay. I'm not sure where does this confusion come from, I think it's safe to say it's due to changing my believes. I'll have to interpret myself anew, almost from scratch. In other news it seems like my social skills improved a little and I feel much more confident, BS-proof and unapologetic. I got myself to train semi-regularly and even though it's mostly one series of push-ups and sit-ups per day it's some progress. I think I will join gym or something similar in February when exams will be over and I'll have lots of time. I'm anxious about this idea, but I know it's inevitable.
keep pushing!