Out of necessity I have to internalize, that I'm beginning to seem like a prize for women. I'm dead serious. It's not going to be easy, but it is necessary for me to function well in social situations. In the last 10 days, I would say I've had about 1 'incident' per every 2 hours, in which I'm in a social setting.
Just off the top of my head:
- Female cashiers and sale assistants in general flirt shamelessly in at least 50% of my interactions with them. One particular awkward over-the-top 'incident' from today made me think I have to start considering such events as likely so that I can react better.
- Another particular story involving a cashier is from a few days ago. I went to a small 24/7 supermarket close to my home to get a snack. It was around midnight. I get to the cashier only to find that I left my wallet at home and I can't pay for what I wanted to get. The woman at the cash register (in her mid 30s) insists that I should just take it and pay for it the next time I'm there. I go back home, I get my wallet and return to the store to make things right. She says in a sad voice that there was no need to do that because she knew I was honest. I have never met her before in my life.
- I'm passing a quite cute girl on the street. She locks eyes with me for a split second, then gets a 'deer in headlights' look and starts looking down at the pavement with a mischievous smile, avoiding my gaze, as she passes me by. I'm not sure if I'm describing it properly, but I'm almost sure I intimidated her a lot.
- Quite a lot of eye contact from girls on the street in general. I guess I'm more comfortable making eye contact with complete strangers, so that helps too.
- Female acquaintances, whom I haven't seen for a long time, now universally greet me with at least a huge smile and lots of eye contact. Some of them are even single.
I can't help but think, that they are just being polite, although it could very well be something else. Still, it's a noticeable change.
I can't remember such things happening before with such frequency. I would imagine this is happening because I'm a lot less focused on girls and a lot more on myself and where I'm going in life. I haven't followed up on any girl's signals, though. I could try, but I don't have any interest in a relationship or even sex right now and I'm sure that's going to influence the outcome.
I have this prejudice that I will only waste my time. That might be true, although I think there's a lot of insecurity there as well. I haven't completely developed the habit to take care of myself first.
I'm getting a clearer vision of how I can become a true innovator and entrepreneur in the last few days. As this vision develops, I'm guessing it will get easier and easier for me to make my needs a priority all the time. BASE will probably help as well. I intend to put my romantic and sexual needs on hold until then, unless I find a way to make it all work.
Just off the top of my head:
- Female cashiers and sale assistants in general flirt shamelessly in at least 50% of my interactions with them. One particular awkward over-the-top 'incident' from today made me think I have to start considering such events as likely so that I can react better.
- Another particular story involving a cashier is from a few days ago. I went to a small 24/7 supermarket close to my home to get a snack. It was around midnight. I get to the cashier only to find that I left my wallet at home and I can't pay for what I wanted to get. The woman at the cash register (in her mid 30s) insists that I should just take it and pay for it the next time I'm there. I go back home, I get my wallet and return to the store to make things right. She says in a sad voice that there was no need to do that because she knew I was honest. I have never met her before in my life.
- I'm passing a quite cute girl on the street. She locks eyes with me for a split second, then gets a 'deer in headlights' look and starts looking down at the pavement with a mischievous smile, avoiding my gaze, as she passes me by. I'm not sure if I'm describing it properly, but I'm almost sure I intimidated her a lot.
- Quite a lot of eye contact from girls on the street in general. I guess I'm more comfortable making eye contact with complete strangers, so that helps too.
- Female acquaintances, whom I haven't seen for a long time, now universally greet me with at least a huge smile and lots of eye contact. Some of them are even single.

I can't remember such things happening before with such frequency. I would imagine this is happening because I'm a lot less focused on girls and a lot more on myself and where I'm going in life. I haven't followed up on any girl's signals, though. I could try, but I don't have any interest in a relationship or even sex right now and I'm sure that's going to influence the outcome.

I have this prejudice that I will only waste my time. That might be true, although I think there's a lot of insecurity there as well. I haven't completely developed the habit to take care of myself first.
I'm getting a clearer vision of how I can become a true innovator and entrepreneur in the last few days. As this vision develops, I'm guessing it will get easier and easier for me to make my needs a priority all the time. BASE will probably help as well. I intend to put my romantic and sexual needs on hold until then, unless I find a way to make it all work.