11-04-2014, 04:54 AM
Stage 1, day 25
In the last five days, I've been reading a lot. And I mean, A LOT. I burned through David Deida's "Way of the superior man" again, Peter Thiel - Zero to One, some audio self-help seminars (Jerry Stocking - Unconditional Sex), and I'm currently reading Mantak Chia - The Multi-orgasmic Man.
I feel a real hunger for new information and I'm not sure if that's procrastination, or doing what's needed to build me up to where I want to be. I tend to think it's the latter, because I can truly see each one of those books I mentioned as being beneficial in terms of becoming an entrepreneur.
Especially Mantak Chia's book seems to be able to pay off greatly in terms of creativity and motivation. If I understand it correctly, having more energy will also give BASE more "resources" to work with.
I'm also, out of curiosity, giving "The Lean Startup" a chance, although I would rather not read more books on entrepreneurship. However, this book seems to be quite popular in entrepreneurs' circles so at least I would like to be able to hold a conversation about it.
Otherwise, the person, who's doing one of my software projects is still out of reach, we have another arrangement to hear each other tonight. I think I'll have to be more bossy with him, because our current business relationship doesn't seem to work.
The guys, who are working on the other project, are taking their time trying to make it perfect. Consequently, they are starting it from scratch for the second or third time (I lost count
). The piece of software is pretty simple and straightforward, so I'm pretty sure they're trying too hard. I've mentioned that, but I can't seem to get through to them. I used to think that being bossy hurts business relationships, but in these cases, it seems like the only working solution.
So, I desperately need some people managing skills. BASE apparently doesn't include such programming until stage 4, so I'll be experimenting with that on my own. I still feel the drive to do so from the programming I'm currently getting.
In the last five days, I've been reading a lot. And I mean, A LOT. I burned through David Deida's "Way of the superior man" again, Peter Thiel - Zero to One, some audio self-help seminars (Jerry Stocking - Unconditional Sex), and I'm currently reading Mantak Chia - The Multi-orgasmic Man.
I feel a real hunger for new information and I'm not sure if that's procrastination, or doing what's needed to build me up to where I want to be. I tend to think it's the latter, because I can truly see each one of those books I mentioned as being beneficial in terms of becoming an entrepreneur.
Especially Mantak Chia's book seems to be able to pay off greatly in terms of creativity and motivation. If I understand it correctly, having more energy will also give BASE more "resources" to work with.
I'm also, out of curiosity, giving "The Lean Startup" a chance, although I would rather not read more books on entrepreneurship. However, this book seems to be quite popular in entrepreneurs' circles so at least I would like to be able to hold a conversation about it.
Otherwise, the person, who's doing one of my software projects is still out of reach, we have another arrangement to hear each other tonight. I think I'll have to be more bossy with him, because our current business relationship doesn't seem to work.
The guys, who are working on the other project, are taking their time trying to make it perfect. Consequently, they are starting it from scratch for the second or third time (I lost count

So, I desperately need some people managing skills. BASE apparently doesn't include such programming until stage 4, so I'll be experimenting with that on my own. I still feel the drive to do so from the programming I'm currently getting.