09-27-2014, 02:33 AM
Stage 2 Day 32
Time to wrap-up this stage..
I failed my "nofap for a month" challenge. It was about 3 weeks which is a huge achievement for me because it's the longest ever. There are positives though as I now know I can go a long time and also of the benefits of extra energy and feeling good that I really loved. I got so horny that the feeling just wouldn't go away and I was becoming miserable. Now I'm much more aware of my weaknesses I will try to think of ways to mitigate them so I can go longer. I actually had no idea how much that regular release desensitizes you as I have now.
I started nofap in the first place because everyone was going on about how good it was for you and how it improves most areas of your life. I was convinced that if you didn't fap then your groin area would eventually rupture and / or the sexual tension would turn you into some bully or raving megalomaniac. I did want to experience this 'better way of life' because in part I didn't believe it but in case I was wrong then I wanted to experience this as a total novice and see just how good it was.
Anyway finished the 2nd stage and I can say the following:
1. The changes from stage 1 are now more entrenched within me like my diet, exercise, hygiene and environment. These are massively improved and continuing as though I've always been like it. You have to remember that I was a hardcore chocolate, sweets, cake and biscuit man existing on mostly that during the week. Consequently my digestive health wasn't to good (i'll leave it at that) Add to that poor exercise, only bathing once a week (twice on a good week) and a pot belly, the changes have been nothing short of remarkable. The desire to slim the belly down hit hard and my exercising and body building really kicked in as before it was a bit half-hearted. Now the pot has gone down quite a lot and I'm hoping soon to see the abs I never thought I had! I'm also bathing most days of the week now.
2. I had a bit of an altercation at work which actually showed me just how little respect I had there. I work in a classic office environment, tick box initiatives, change for change sake and other such nonsense. My work had been changed which involved me taking on more and it was concocted in my absence by management. I was told this was going to happen but my views would be appreciated (an anagram for lip service). I knew it wouldn't work and had a compelling case to prove it. I said I would think about it and left it at that and was really angry (because it was crap anyway). I wanted to let it go and pretend I didn't care but I did care hugely and I was so angry that I put all my case down officially and sent it to the bosses. The upshot was the new system was abandoned and I even got my work pile reduced! One or two people only speak to me if they have to but there is a marked shift in the way I'm viewed. It's like "Wow i really misjudged this guy!" Now people are more wary of me but its more out of respect which I can feel in the air.
Oddly enough I have moments of guilt about it, that perhaps I over-reacted or was being unreasonable. I wasn't rude or insulting (despite the temptation) but just calmly and clearly explained the flaws in their knobbish plan but still felt really guilty for winning my case. Before doing AM I would have let it go unchallenged because I liked the quiet life and didn't want to make a fuss.
3. My ego has calmed down a bit more. I still like my reflection but not so much of the arrogance and the "ain' I great" attitude. It's becoming more of a quiet assurance.
4. My fear levels have gone down a lot and it's rather disconcerting as I don't have the fear of people or situations, that perhaps I should have at least some wariness of. Nothing bad has happened but I rather shock myself at my coolness and detachment from things that once instilled fear into me, e.g walking past a group of drunks, yobs etc.
5. I am also a much better conversationlist and I've noticed my voice on occasions comes out quite strong and masculine but then reverts back to quieter and softer. I still speak better but that tone I've experienced is really cool and sexy and it surprises me for a moment (where the hell did that come from?). I hope AM will bring that to the forefront.
6. The threatening stares from some men have almost gone but I'm noticing women giving me quizzical stares (when I catch them looking) then quickly looking away again. I thought at first I had some mark or something on my face and had to check a few times to make sure.
7. My energy levels are higher. The subs don't tire me anymore and I have much more stamina
8. I have noticed I walk more upright and take my time instead of mostly looking down and walking fast. I feel like the world can wait for me.
9. My sex drive is generally much higher which I thought was a product of the nofap attempt but read earlier that I had a manic sexy feeling for a while in Stage 1 before the nofap started. My appreciation of women has gone up to the point I think I'm wearing beer goggles!
10 Although neediness is supposed to be addressed in AM I seem to have increasing neediness for a woman in my life. I thought the nofap incident may have caused it but its still with me and getting worse. I'm ogling women far too much. My avatar about sums it up at the moment! I'm more convinced than ever that I should run the MYPSL 5G next as I would like someone reliable in my life before starting WM and 'hoping' a wonderful woman turns up on that. The definiton of Perfect is a bit flaky as I believed it was your conscious desires that created your perfect xxxx, but if it's the subconscious mind then that could behave like a nanny and give you someone you really don't want! For example, a diet rich in semolina, cheese and swede might be the best thing ever for me but I wouldn't want to eat it! I do have a lot of chatter in my mind about these things. Oh and porn has become a thing of the past
11. The nasty mood swings seem also to be dying off. Apart from the neediness I haven't felt bad or miserable for some time now.
I can say that even after just two stages I have changed so much for the better both physically and mentally that I can't believe I was ever as bad as the background I gave before starting this journal.
Roll on the Stage 3 big guns!
Time to wrap-up this stage..
I failed my "nofap for a month" challenge. It was about 3 weeks which is a huge achievement for me because it's the longest ever. There are positives though as I now know I can go a long time and also of the benefits of extra energy and feeling good that I really loved. I got so horny that the feeling just wouldn't go away and I was becoming miserable. Now I'm much more aware of my weaknesses I will try to think of ways to mitigate them so I can go longer. I actually had no idea how much that regular release desensitizes you as I have now.
I started nofap in the first place because everyone was going on about how good it was for you and how it improves most areas of your life. I was convinced that if you didn't fap then your groin area would eventually rupture and / or the sexual tension would turn you into some bully or raving megalomaniac. I did want to experience this 'better way of life' because in part I didn't believe it but in case I was wrong then I wanted to experience this as a total novice and see just how good it was.
Anyway finished the 2nd stage and I can say the following:
1. The changes from stage 1 are now more entrenched within me like my diet, exercise, hygiene and environment. These are massively improved and continuing as though I've always been like it. You have to remember that I was a hardcore chocolate, sweets, cake and biscuit man existing on mostly that during the week. Consequently my digestive health wasn't to good (i'll leave it at that) Add to that poor exercise, only bathing once a week (twice on a good week) and a pot belly, the changes have been nothing short of remarkable. The desire to slim the belly down hit hard and my exercising and body building really kicked in as before it was a bit half-hearted. Now the pot has gone down quite a lot and I'm hoping soon to see the abs I never thought I had! I'm also bathing most days of the week now.
2. I had a bit of an altercation at work which actually showed me just how little respect I had there. I work in a classic office environment, tick box initiatives, change for change sake and other such nonsense. My work had been changed which involved me taking on more and it was concocted in my absence by management. I was told this was going to happen but my views would be appreciated (an anagram for lip service). I knew it wouldn't work and had a compelling case to prove it. I said I would think about it and left it at that and was really angry (because it was crap anyway). I wanted to let it go and pretend I didn't care but I did care hugely and I was so angry that I put all my case down officially and sent it to the bosses. The upshot was the new system was abandoned and I even got my work pile reduced! One or two people only speak to me if they have to but there is a marked shift in the way I'm viewed. It's like "Wow i really misjudged this guy!" Now people are more wary of me but its more out of respect which I can feel in the air.
Oddly enough I have moments of guilt about it, that perhaps I over-reacted or was being unreasonable. I wasn't rude or insulting (despite the temptation) but just calmly and clearly explained the flaws in their knobbish plan but still felt really guilty for winning my case. Before doing AM I would have let it go unchallenged because I liked the quiet life and didn't want to make a fuss.
3. My ego has calmed down a bit more. I still like my reflection but not so much of the arrogance and the "ain' I great" attitude. It's becoming more of a quiet assurance.
4. My fear levels have gone down a lot and it's rather disconcerting as I don't have the fear of people or situations, that perhaps I should have at least some wariness of. Nothing bad has happened but I rather shock myself at my coolness and detachment from things that once instilled fear into me, e.g walking past a group of drunks, yobs etc.
5. I am also a much better conversationlist and I've noticed my voice on occasions comes out quite strong and masculine but then reverts back to quieter and softer. I still speak better but that tone I've experienced is really cool and sexy and it surprises me for a moment (where the hell did that come from?). I hope AM will bring that to the forefront.
6. The threatening stares from some men have almost gone but I'm noticing women giving me quizzical stares (when I catch them looking) then quickly looking away again. I thought at first I had some mark or something on my face and had to check a few times to make sure.
7. My energy levels are higher. The subs don't tire me anymore and I have much more stamina
8. I have noticed I walk more upright and take my time instead of mostly looking down and walking fast. I feel like the world can wait for me.
9. My sex drive is generally much higher which I thought was a product of the nofap attempt but read earlier that I had a manic sexy feeling for a while in Stage 1 before the nofap started. My appreciation of women has gone up to the point I think I'm wearing beer goggles!
10 Although neediness is supposed to be addressed in AM I seem to have increasing neediness for a woman in my life. I thought the nofap incident may have caused it but its still with me and getting worse. I'm ogling women far too much. My avatar about sums it up at the moment! I'm more convinced than ever that I should run the MYPSL 5G next as I would like someone reliable in my life before starting WM and 'hoping' a wonderful woman turns up on that. The definiton of Perfect is a bit flaky as I believed it was your conscious desires that created your perfect xxxx, but if it's the subconscious mind then that could behave like a nanny and give you someone you really don't want! For example, a diet rich in semolina, cheese and swede might be the best thing ever for me but I wouldn't want to eat it! I do have a lot of chatter in my mind about these things. Oh and porn has become a thing of the past
11. The nasty mood swings seem also to be dying off. Apart from the neediness I haven't felt bad or miserable for some time now.
I can say that even after just two stages I have changed so much for the better both physically and mentally that I can't believe I was ever as bad as the background I gave before starting this journal.
Roll on the Stage 3 big guns!