09-24-2014, 04:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-24-2014, 06:42 PM by Why So Serious?.)
Day 13
It just keep getting more interesting.
My cycle has isn't as long as it used to be. Four days instead of six.
My motivation is starting to kick in. I'm currently doing research for a business idea. I have been staying up late and waking up early to make it happen. Still procrastinate here and there but I'm working on that. Also for some strange reason whenever I seriously begin to get started with my business idea a deeper part of me (subconscious? intuition?) keeps steering me into another direction. An idea that I would love to work on but don't see the money. I really want to get of the rat race and I just don't believe this idea is going to work. I need to stick to my original plan. Although it is tempting to do what my intuition wants because it never was wrong I just misinterpreted the message, however I could be doing that now. This is so confusing.
Lately I have been feeling .... like I normally would. I don't have that feeling like I can own the room anymore. Sometimes I feel like the sub isn't working then someone does something that I think is stupid and feel incredibly irritated. That is how I know the sub is working. I'm usually not bothered by this but lately it has been driving me up the wall.:@
My room is usually a mess and it's starting to bug me. It would usually have to be messier than it is for me clean it.
Speaking of cleaning lately I been wanting to clean of conscious of certain things that I have done in the past to hurt people. I haven't done any of it yet. Getting up and getting it over with doesn't seem horrifying for some odd reason. Even though telling these truths are going to hurt for some odd reason a part of me doesn't want to beat myself up over it. It's weird. Don't stress or beat myself up for days and weeks and years. Just say it and move on. It's scary that I don't want to stress over it but gratifying at the same time.
I hope that makes sense. I'm sorry if it doesn't all this er......stuff? Emotions? Way of thinking?(I have no clue what you call it) is very new to me.
I usually don't like kids at all. I hate to admit it but I only torerate my nephews. Well to make things kind of interesting I went over to the house and was very calm around them. I didn't yell at them to much for just being kids. You guy's know how kids are always getting into something and playing around. I stepped in when things got out of hand. And :exclamation: I actually liked being around them and have having conversations with them. That was amazing to me. I would usually have to strain to pretend I liked being around. So now I'm STARTING to like kids. Huh..... never thought that would happen.
Let's see what else happens
It just keep getting more interesting.
My cycle has isn't as long as it used to be. Four days instead of six.
My motivation is starting to kick in. I'm currently doing research for a business idea. I have been staying up late and waking up early to make it happen. Still procrastinate here and there but I'm working on that. Also for some strange reason whenever I seriously begin to get started with my business idea a deeper part of me (subconscious? intuition?) keeps steering me into another direction. An idea that I would love to work on but don't see the money. I really want to get of the rat race and I just don't believe this idea is going to work. I need to stick to my original plan. Although it is tempting to do what my intuition wants because it never was wrong I just misinterpreted the message, however I could be doing that now. This is so confusing.
Lately I have been feeling .... like I normally would. I don't have that feeling like I can own the room anymore. Sometimes I feel like the sub isn't working then someone does something that I think is stupid and feel incredibly irritated. That is how I know the sub is working. I'm usually not bothered by this but lately it has been driving me up the wall.:@
My room is usually a mess and it's starting to bug me. It would usually have to be messier than it is for me clean it.
Speaking of cleaning lately I been wanting to clean of conscious of certain things that I have done in the past to hurt people. I haven't done any of it yet. Getting up and getting it over with doesn't seem horrifying for some odd reason. Even though telling these truths are going to hurt for some odd reason a part of me doesn't want to beat myself up over it. It's weird. Don't stress or beat myself up for days and weeks and years. Just say it and move on. It's scary that I don't want to stress over it but gratifying at the same time.

I usually don't like kids at all. I hate to admit it but I only torerate my nephews. Well to make things kind of interesting I went over to the house and was very calm around them. I didn't yell at them to much for just being kids. You guy's know how kids are always getting into something and playing around. I stepped in when things got out of hand. And :exclamation: I actually liked being around them and have having conversations with them. That was amazing to me. I would usually have to strain to pretend I liked being around. So now I'm STARTING to like kids. Huh..... never thought that would happen.

Let's see what else happens