07-31-2014, 11:27 AM
On Saturday (26th) I started the iconic Alpha Male 6 program. The sub that's designed to turn us old betas into titans of success. Is it the greatest thing since sliced bread or merely a short term placebo thriving on mental masturbation? Lets find out!
Now where am I starting from??
What's my background?
I'm late 40's naturally a quiet type (often remarked upon by people i meet). More often than not i have to repeat everything i say a second time because i am softly spoken. I can't maintain eye contact even with people i know well and usually acknowledge them without looking at them if i pass them by. I am also a very jealous person and sometimes feel quite bitter about people I see (worse if I know them) having what I want. Physically I'm reasonably tall, slim but building muscle and not bad looking. My relationships with women haven't been so good. It's because i'm naturally shy and prefer the quiet life. Ironically i did meet a woman with all my traits and she was cute to boot, but i found her dull and clingy so I dropped her. Have been relationship free for a couple of years partly through laziness and partly because i prefer women in their late 20's early 30's, not the 50+ brigade that haunt my every dating attempt, online, and clubs for my 'age group':@
My aims: obviously to change my background (duh) but also because if this works it will provide a better foundation for the other subs i plan on using. I have confidence and jealousy issues for sure and a fear of rejection so i really need to sort those before concentrating on attracting women

Listening method: 5 hours a night ultrasonic and 6 during the day masked and ultrasonic. Possibly 16 hours at weekends
For interest: Future subs I plan to use:
IYSD..Perk the old Captain up a bit
Now where am I starting from??
What's my background?
I'm late 40's naturally a quiet type (often remarked upon by people i meet). More often than not i have to repeat everything i say a second time because i am softly spoken. I can't maintain eye contact even with people i know well and usually acknowledge them without looking at them if i pass them by. I am also a very jealous person and sometimes feel quite bitter about people I see (worse if I know them) having what I want. Physically I'm reasonably tall, slim but building muscle and not bad looking. My relationships with women haven't been so good. It's because i'm naturally shy and prefer the quiet life. Ironically i did meet a woman with all my traits and she was cute to boot, but i found her dull and clingy so I dropped her. Have been relationship free for a couple of years partly through laziness and partly because i prefer women in their late 20's early 30's, not the 50+ brigade that haunt my every dating attempt, online, and clubs for my 'age group':@
My aims: obviously to change my background (duh) but also because if this works it will provide a better foundation for the other subs i plan on using. I have confidence and jealousy issues for sure and a fear of rejection so i really need to sort those before concentrating on attracting women

Listening method: 5 hours a night ultrasonic and 6 during the day masked and ultrasonic. Possibly 16 hours at weekends
For interest: Future subs I plan to use:
IYSD..Perk the old Captain up a bit