07-14-2014, 08:22 PM
(07-14-2014, 08:22 AM)carmen1 Wrote: The resistance that I have experience so far since starting alpha female has a lot to do with fear, anxiety and just curiosity as to how I will change after finishing the program and that where my hesitancy lie. since starting the program I've experience mild form of depression and a cold congestion but there has been a positive shift in that I don't overeat or emotionally eat as I use to. there has also been a little burst of confidence here and there nothing major.
one concern that I have is that I don't want to do anything out of my character where sex is involved. I will continue to use the program because I really want to become a better woman and I also want to change my life for the better.
An 'alpha' female is defined a lot different from 'alpha' male. An AF is a mature, responsible, know-what-she-wants lady and not necessarily wanting to be the leader of the pack. Self-confident and self-assured.
Regarding sex, I did not do anything out of conduct / character. Hope that addresses your fears.
I did not manage to complete AF, but I've grown a lot. It has stayed with me since I stopped. I do not feel the need to waste time correcting toxic people and do not feel troubled by non-constructive criticisms. More objective. Less negative talk.
My hubby was skeptical... listening to gurgling sounds? But it all worked out better in the end for me. Some of the personal issues I had were overcome and I became a happier person in the process.
You will love yourself more I'm sure! Look forward to your journal