11-18-2012, 08:34 AM
(11-15-2012, 08:40 AM)Sean Wrote: Javier,
I think you should take on a challenge. Something like a 100-approach challenge or get 10 rejections in the next 30 days. Fear tells us where to lean: if you're afraid of being rejected, you need to start going out there to get rejected as many times as it takes until you learn that it's not nearly as bad as you thought.
Courage is doing something even though it causes you fear.
Roughly three years ago I was introduced with the PUA world. As such, during that time I made up my mind to approach women. I did manage to approach but with barely enough results. This has more to do with my inconsistency and because I didn't push the conversation with women more. I remember during those days I also memorized some lines and all that. It did made me comfortable but I have to rely on routines and such. I've been rejected or mostly ejected on many sets back on those days. But with very little inner game, these made a big impact on me. It's as if I end up having more fear of rejection.
After about some time, around 2 1/2 years ago I got into Cory Skyy's Magnetic Mindset. Magnetic Mindset and doing Affirmations have helped me a lot. Made a new friends, got my first job etc. with it. But over time I believe that it made me not anymore approach women at all. Cory Skyy didn't recommend approaching women but there are still instances wherein you could approach. This was the time when I feel I misinterpreted or misunderstood Cory Skyy because I just always do my affirmations daily but rarely went out. Kind of like wanting to be the guy with high inner game and without doing any shit at all to get the ladies. I don't want to approach back then because I wanted them to approach me. I am the one with a higher value. But deep inside what's stopping me from approaching is that I have a big fear of rejection. I realized just this recent past that the best way to get around this is to take ACTION.
Now with a better and higher self-esteem, self confidence and self-image I'm going to give this approach thing a shot.

(11-15-2012, 11:49 PM)Shannon Wrote: Javier, tonight I felt the urge to go have a steak, so I went to Ruby Tuesdays and ordered a ribeye. The bar tendress had a short spikey hairstyle you usually only see on sporty women and lesbians, so I wasn't sure she was straight until she started flirting with me about the steak. Then the women next to me on my right started showing IOIs and stalking to me. The guy to my left began talking to me until he left... there were eight seats in a row free to my left, but the two women who showed up next sat down right next to me. The more attractive of the two (to me) also happened to be single. By the end of the night, they had become friends of mine, and I had both their phone numbers. They invited me to go to the movies with them. The bartendress got visibly jealous. Had the movie not been sold out, I'd have gone, even though the specific movie was of no real interest to me. Then they asked me to walk them out to their car.
They asked me what I was drinking. "Iced tea," I replied.
"Long island iced tea?" she asked, with a mischievous grin. I laughed.
"No, just iced tea. I don't drink alcohol."
"Why not?"
"Because I have just as much fun without it. There's no point."
And away we went. Nobody came down on me for being there alone. I had three women showing interest. I had a bartender getting pangs of envy that I was talking to the woman next to me. I made some new friends. And I have the door open for more than friends if I want that, and do the right things.
The point is... it's all in your head. I don't care what anyone thinks, so I am confident that they will appreciate me, and because I lead them in what to think with my attitude, they think what I lead them to. They enjoy talking to me, I enjoy talking to them, we have fun, no expectations, and everyone wins.
Relax, man. It's just talking.
You make it so easy Shannon. and yes very inspiring indeed.
As such I just recently went out and going to report back what happened.
"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."