3 hours ago
(9 hours ago)AbundanceCH Wrote: Shannon, regarding ME
1. In another thread by a user he mentioned how he noticed that gains went away and you said that it was probably because the subconscious got confused and just pumped more blood to the penis during erections but not actually made it grow permanently. Was this issue addressed in the second (current) version of ME or is this something you will address in the 6g version to ensure the growth is permanent, and it's actual growth not just better blood flow while using thes ub?
The subconscious wouldn't have gotten confused. It would have been a vase of being given an instruction to execute, and finding the only way was to do what it did. The actual instructions have been designed to prevent that from happening for the last 2 versions. However, as I have been telling you guys for a long time now, it is extremely difficult to actually cause the penis tissues that need to grow for increasing penis size, to actually grow, while balancing getting them to grow safely. I believe the most anyone has ever permanently increased their penis length from one of the Male Enhancement subliminals was 0.75", and most guys seem to report 0.50" to 0.25" of permanent growth. Honestly, even that is borderline miraculous, given how hard it is to do permanently and safely.
I don't know if the 6G upgrades will make it possible for me to do easier and for more men than previously in the future, but real permanent and safe penis enlargement is extremely difficult to do.
Quote:2. Any word on when the 6g version might be released?
No iudea. It's not on my radar right now. Right now, I am in the process of re-building UMS v3 S1 for the third time, and I have the other three stages of it to build, while I am prepping AM 7 for build (4-6 stages there) and I am trying to do experiments with a specialty experimental too.
Quote:3. It was discussed that users want the next version to be both length and girth equally at the same time (like the first version of ME had). Will you consider doing a girth only version as well considering the faster build times you are having for subs?
No matter what I build, someone will be unhappy. If I do length only, someone will want girth. If I do girth only, someone will complain about length. If I do both equally, someone will want a 2:1 ratio of growth. If I do a 2:1 ration, someone else will want 1:1. There is no winning option except to build every possible thing you guys could ask for, which is actually a losing option because it would take forever and then 90% would only buy one option.
At this point, for more than 10 years now you guys keep asking for this title, and I understand why, but it's frustrating to have it either not work, or work poorly, and then have you ask for it again. I am going to build it again in 6G because that gives me one last chance to make it potentially work, but... not sure it will actually work. The script has been taken as far as it can be taken already.
I am unlikely to be building more than one variant unless that one variant shows as being properly useful and effective. If it turns out that I can actually get you guys a result that's worth your money and my time, then hell yes, I'll build a few variants. But the truth is, I don't like this program because I haven't been able to get it to work well or consistently, based on what little feedback I have gotten, and I don't like having things in my library that I am not sure will work. I have this title because you guys want it so much, and I have tried and tried and tried to make a script that works. But not only has it never worked well, it's also hurting my reputation among people who are skeptical of subliminals. A lot of people see titles like that and instantly shut the door, thinking it and all of my other titles are obviously just a scam, or that they won't buy from me because I make such "boorish" subliminals.
If I could find a way to actually make it work to my standards, then I wouldn't care because I would have a different clientele to make up for it. But as it stands... it's the worst of both worlds for me. And it's only made and included in the store because it is in such high demand, and I know it works to some degree for some guys. But if I build it in 6G and it still doesn't work even in 6G, what's the point?
So I'll build it one more time unless it shows as producing good results. A minimum of 1" in permanent gains as an average result. If it can actually do that, then I'll be willing to build other variants.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!