6 hours ago
(6 hours ago)ichigo Wrote:(6 hours ago)Shannon Wrote: Why would you be running a $650 subliminal aphrodisiac just to get blatant responses that don't lead to sex? Do you realize how ridiculous that is?
I don't calculate the usage patterns to make people go flying past sex into making women respond obviously enough to entertain men, while failing to get to sex in the process. The goal of an aphrodisiac is sex, and the instructions are designed to get you as close to sex as possible.
As to overloading the subconscious, are you experiencing any level of exhaustion from 45 minutes per day on? I'm going to presume not. You know why that is? It's because we don't want you to experience exhaustion. That is part of why I calculate the sweet spot for where people will be happiest with the program's results. Much more than 45 minutes a day and you'll be in exhausted/overload territory, unless you're some sort of really bizarre outlier.
They will become aroused and be noticing you at the same time. It's human nature to notice conditions around oneself in order to try to understand "why" something happened. So it would be natural for them to suspect, and later conclude, that they are becoming aroused in response to you.
If you're inexperienced with women, and especially if you're a virgin, and this is true when you're in your mid twenties or later, then there are going to be things subconsciously for you to deal with and work through to get to sex with women. X4A-1600 can work you through those over time, but it will take time. You may not be seeing the results you want until that process has sufficiently taken place. By the sounds of it, though, you actually don't want sex, you want to see women react with sexual arousal. If that's the case and you simultaneously don't want actual sex, then you're likely using this program for what amount to narcissistic reasons, which is definitely not how it was designed or intended to be used.
Hi Shannon,
Apologies, I don't think I worded my question very well. I meant that previously, using higher loops of X4A would make my aura stronger and cause polarisation, which meant generally if a woman was responding she was more likely to be up for sex quickly than if they would be repelled by it. Kind of like wearing a high dose of androstenone with pheromones, helps to weed out those who are up for quick sex versus those who aren't. This did make it less likely to respond in sex with some women, but at least there was a blatant reaction so you knew they weren't interested.
Your responses make sense though, thank you for them.
Okay, so that I better understand your situation, let me ask some questions. It sounds like you are not a virgin. Is that right? And you're using it according to the "inexperienced/virgin" instructions? Is that because you're inexperienced or because you just like the fast blatant responses?
Your comparison to androstenone explains a lot. You are apparently going for fast, easy sex, which androstenone can induce, and trying to make X4A do the same thing. X4A isn't designed to do that. It's designed specifically to go at her speed, so she's comfortable with responding to her sexual arousal. That's a full 180 degrees from how you're apparently using it.
You may not realize it, but using X4A that way is going to cause problems. You may get to sex fast, but you're going to leave emotional damage in some of the women you have sex with as a result. You're also likely damaging yourself emotionally by indulging in fast sex without connecting to the woman. And some of the women who respond may be involved, and inducing them to act that way, especially if they wouldn't have otherwise, will cause emotional damage to whomever they're cheating on, if this is discovered. That's why these programs aren't designed to be used that way.
Could I create something that would do that? Absolutely. But my goal is not to turn you into a self destructive homewrecking womanizer here.
Naturally these things will not be the case for every woman. Some are single, and some are already so damaged from the brainwashing they got from social media and doing the dumb shit they see done there that it's like adding a drop of water to an ocean.
X4A is designed to be used to get her interested enough to have sex with you, without causing anyone damage.
Tell me more about the effects it has had on your natural production of pheromones.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!