07-04-2024, 10:00 AM
4 loops on earbuds appear to be making me slightly hyper-focused on healing (f. in. libido's down, I am thinking about healing related stuff all the time, etc.). Might as well, not much else to do right now apart from the occasional translation job and singing practice (which is on hold anyway until I get access to my new practice space which is in two weeks' time).
Had a good, productive analysis session today due to all that, though.
It's highly recommended to pair this with therapy of some sort (even if you're healthy - most theraputic modalities actually don't work for people who actually need intervetion, lol, and not just according to me, but f. in. that Vaknin fellow too), I personally recommend psychoanalysis to go along with EHPRAing (but you may have to shop around a bit first to find a competent one). CBT, IMO, is utter shite.
Had a good, productive analysis session today due to all that, though.

"A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." - A. Crowley