04-29-2024, 06:57 PM
(04-25-2024, 06:48 PM)Shannon Wrote: So here's what I suggest. Spend the time to really get an understanding of how you execute and they respond at your current number of loops per day on, because changing it is possible to go up or down in terms of response. The more loops you do, the more you will tend to shift who responds, and how. For example, some women who don't yet respond because it's not enough will start responding if you use it enough for what she needs. But those who are already responsive may or may not experience "too much of a good thing" and shy away. So keep that in mind if you try to increase loops.
So in the last few days I've said Hey how's your day going to girls at my part time job and they are responsive like they are happy I spoke to them.
These girls are early 20's.
One 20 year old that had a crush on me had quit a few months ago. She still talks to a guy that works with me.
He told me Friday that she broke up with her boyfriend and wants to talk to me.
So he gave her my info I've gotten hers.
I've been busy so I've yet to ask her to hang out.
With the servers aka the twins The girl I like was my server and she was sure to tell me she had so much to do today. After I got my food the other one came and stood by my table to talk she said it's hot in here.
At that time here comes the one I like.
Her sister said she's tired and ready to go home. The one I like kinda was whiny and said you gotta go to Walmart with me I need to get glasses and I forget everything. Her sister said she hates Walmart and doesn't wanna go.
They both walked to a table far enough in front of me and they talked pretty low. The sister walked away and the one I like said something that sounded like I don't know why you wanna be friends with him or I don't like you being friends with him. Then my crush looked at me and smiled but it was one of those "Hope you didn't hear that"
I just ate my food while looking from one to the other and so the one I like came back to check on me and I asked about her glasses like what kind she was getting
She said she didn't know cus the last ones were red but she might get black because it matches everything.
She walked off and came back to clean the same table she and her sister talked at.
I said ya know I think you should get Spiderman glasses and she said, I don't think they'll fit but I have a small head. I laughed and said I didn't say that. But if she wore them Spiderman might get old.
She then walked up to my table and talked about how that happened with Hello Kitty and how her mom burned her out on it and she still gets hello kitty stuff from her mom.
Soon after that She brought my usual to go drink and I said well, you wanna ring me up and she did and the manager commented on my Shirt and the twin sister came up and said Bye Rocky, be careful.
I said bye to them all. The twin sister walked with me to the door and said bye again and to be careful.