03-19-2023, 02:23 PM
I think MLS is working. I think I finally found the right volume and am getting closer to the number of loops that is optimal for me. I'm running the volume at 75% on my phone, and about 3 loops a day and potentially 4 if I can handle it.
@Shannon Will 6G's version of MLS be able to overcome people's sleep issues with playing it at night and go further with improving focus and intellect for learning? That would be a game changer.
@Shannon Also, AM7 won't conflict with Maverick's goals right? I plan to run AM7 when it comes out. I want to run Maverick too, but I want to grow at the rate that is proper for me. So for instance, if I ran Maverick first and then AM7, would that be okay? Or vice versa?
@Shannon Will 6G's version of MLS be able to overcome people's sleep issues with playing it at night and go further with improving focus and intellect for learning? That would be a game changer.
@Shannon Also, AM7 won't conflict with Maverick's goals right? I plan to run AM7 when it comes out. I want to run Maverick too, but I want to grow at the rate that is proper for me. So for instance, if I ran Maverick first and then AM7, would that be okay? Or vice versa?