05-10-2022, 07:01 PM
I'm the analytic type so I enjoy doing it, I find myself constantly trying to deconstruct whatever picks my interest, I won't deny having such resistance after all my life was based on denying everything, even now my main goal is not achieve happiness or something of the sort, I want to get rid of negativity and resistance without getting full positivity, you could say I want to be neutral (if such thing exists) but at the same time it could be product of the same traumas I'm dealing with, so after all this even I could say this is no more than appealing to rationality as a form of resistance, so in other words I'm pretty messed up haha but nothing I can handle, maybe I should try to get rid of the mind next or just do nothing? I'm very indecisive as well, but for some reason I try to find something that feels real, in the end everything resumes on subconscious beliefs (or at least 90%), lets see how this goes for mi entire life and if I find what I want or something else happen.