11-01-2021, 03:33 PM
(11-01-2021, 11:32 AM)Johannesbrst Wrote:(11-01-2021, 09:51 AM)Shannon Wrote:(11-01-2021, 05:16 AM)KingDavid93 Wrote: Hi @Shannon
How far back would you say results from TID can reach theoretically- weeks, months, a year, multiple years?
Theoretically, there is no limit. In practice, the effects become more and more subtle the further back you go, and the more you resist. So in actual practice, the furthest I have been able to identify its effects confidently have been around 3 months.
Quote:And do you think it is possible for DMSI to be successful in helping you to reach its goals, regardless of which version of the user is listening to it- what I mean by this is, say you have a younger, healthier, more fit/vibrant version of the user vs an older out of shape less physically appealing version of the user (albeit more experienced and aggressive) - all versions of the user are interested in/find the same kinds of women appealing but they happen to physically be at different stages in their life....
First, I don't really understand your question. Second, you have to understand something that people have a really hard time with, which is, if you affect her the right ways, looks don't matter for shit.
I will give you an example. My gf is 22 years old. I'm 47. How did that happen? I'm surely not rich and famous and powerful. But even more... she was 18 when I met her and we started dating. How did that happen?
I have women regularly expressing interest in me, and frustration that I am taken. Most of them are 18-30, but they range into the 60's. Yesterday I went to a rock and gem show and got hit on by a woman in her mid 50's, while I was standing right next to my gf. At dinner, I went to a restaurant where I happen to know that women who are 51, 18 and 22 are interested in me. If I wasn't taken, I'm pretty sure I could have dated any of them. One is happily married and one has a boyfriend.
I get interest from women of all ages, all the time, but the majority are teenage or in their 20's. How does this happen? I'm not rich, I'm not famous, I'm not powerful and I have developed something of a dad bod in the last few years.
It's all down to my presence, which can be broken down into attitude, personality and energy. My attitude is "I'm going to have a good time, even if I have to make fun of myself to do it." And as my gf can tell you, I laugh a lot. I laugh at jokes she makes, jokes I make, and jokes others make. I laugh at my own jokes a lot, and my jokes are pretty stupid and ridiculous most of the time. So bad that I regularly hear gf say, "I don't know you." But they make me laugh, and it is fun to be silly. So I am playful and socially open, and I enjoy laughing and don't mind making stupid jokes to make myself laugh, and I don't care if those jokes poke fun at me and I laugh at myself too.
I'm playful and I laugh and try to engage others in my fun.
Fun. I try to have fun. Not trying to get anything from her, just trying to have fun. I really don't care if she's laughing too, because I'm entertaining myself, and I'm having fun. If she wants to join in, great - more opportunity for fun. Otherwise, peace. I'm doing my thing.
In other words, not only is she not the focus of my efforts, I really couldn't care less what she does in response to me having fun. I'm as far from needy and insecure about myself as it gets, even if I'm bald, have a little belly going on and haven't shared in a few days. In the words of the pick up artists, I generate my own frame, and I hold it. She can join in or bounce off, but she isn't going to change it because I'm having a good time.
And I don't need alcohol or drugs to have a good time and be silly socially. I've been to bars where I ordered a Coke and gotten laughed at by a group pf burly bikers and laughed right along with them. I don't care if I fit in, I don't care if they interpret me as being a pansy because I no longer choose to drink Jack Daniels or Souza or Glenlivet or what have you.
It also has a lot to do with my energy. The focus of DMSI is based on what I know is possible because I do it with and without DMSI. I can adjust my energy and through it I can get different responses from others. By making my energy warm and approachable, I give people permission to approach and make them feel comfortable doing so. By having no hidden agenda, I attract women who are used to guys having one. By being fun and playful, my energy and presence becomes positive and enjoyable. I am also trustworthy. And so forth.
None of this requires DMSI. It does require that you not be needy and insecure, and you decide to have a good time and let go of hidden agendas. 8-9-10 females are very used to (and at 9 and 10, expect) you having an agenda to get sex from them. If that is present, they can feel it in your energy. If not, they can feel that too.
Attraction is a natural result of her feeling like you are what she wants to be around. Someone she can trust, enjoy, and feel safe being vulnerable around. Sex and sexual interaction requires vulnerability on her part, not just to judgement of her body and her reputation being at risk, but of pregnancy.
Most women don't care much what you look like, although as you get higher and higher on the physical attractiveness scale it gets more and more important to her. The majority of what she's looking for is simply... security and having a good time. With enough security she can open up to you sexually, and a good time makes her open up. If you know how to tune your energy, you can also activate her sexual arousal simply by being in her presence, which is part of what DMSI automates.
In other words, don't worry about being out of shape. Worry about being out of insecurity.
Now as for DMSI, it's designed to automate all the important parts of the energy manipulation for you, so you don't have to learn how to do it the hard way, like I did. Any of this is possible with or without DMSI. The key is, are you going to get in the way by being insecure and afraid of something silly?
One of the best posts I've read from you, open, honest and relatable.
Would you say that AM 7 will be a "full package" to get to where you are describing?
I would say that I won't know until I start working on AM 7.

Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!
The scientist has a question to find an answer for. The pseudo-scientist has an answer to find a question for. ~ "Failure is the path of least persistence." - Chinese Fortune Cookie ~ Logic left. Emotion right. But thinking, straight ahead. ~ Sperate supra omnia in valorem. (The value of trust is above all else.) ~ Meowsomeness!