(06-17-2021, 01:14 PM)Shannon Wrote:(06-17-2021, 12:30 PM)CatMan Wrote:(06-17-2021, 10:51 AM)Shannon Wrote:(06-17-2021, 09:53 AM)CatMan Wrote:(06-17-2021, 09:44 AM)Shannon Wrote: No. I can tell you from first hand experience, and so can the overwhelming majority of users, that it works quite well. The challenge is turning it outwardly.
It won't matter if he is even present. It will pull regardless, as long as she is the primary focus.
I still am confused as to how that can work. I think you said once that a pic of a girl you like, is enough to trigger the program somehow? Maybe you did, it was forever it seems now. This seems so fantastical to me.
Whenever this program gets released, and we're out of this situation we're all in, I look forward to testing this sub out and hopefully finally seeing what it is capable of.
Today, I'm getting my second dose. Small step towards normalcy again, I suppose.
It can work because the way reality works is that the space-time thing is an illusion. It is possible to connect to anyone anywhere on the planet through thought energy or emotions and not only do so and do so instantly but communicate in real "time" instantly once you have.
Seeing an image of someone can focus you on that person and act as the focus key for making that connection the same as if you saw them in person.
Distance does not really exist. All of this time-space crap is the interpretation of the physical nervous system based on its limits. "Modern science" has discovered some of the tells for this but doesn't yet realize what they are because they still think space-time is real.
That's how and why it can work.
Even if it is someone you don't have any rapport with currently or even know? I think it's something I'd need to see to believe, either way. Overall, the program is such a polar opposite extreme from where I am now with women, so it's hard to conceptualise such a thing as above from this point with women.
Yes, even then. I don't blame you for being skeptical of it. It's pretty unusual for people to be able to experience it on a conscious level in general. I've been able to do it many times, even when the person was literally in Australia while I was in Florida. If I can connect to a person emotionally - which seems to require the right kind of personality for success, and is relatively rare in general - I am able to read their emotional state as if I am feeling it as my own emotions, and I can on occasion also change their emotional state. I have that sort of relationship with my GF, I can sometimes feel her emotions as my own sometimes. I'm not so good at altering her emotional state through my emotions, though, since she seems to be a much stronger emotional projector than I am. But I have seen this for myself and other people enough times to know without a doubt that it happens and is possible. In rare cases, I have (years ago, when meeting strangers on the Internet was relatively safe) met women online and connected with them so strongly that I was able to tell them things about themselves that they'd never told anyone else in their entire lives.
But in your case, you use skepticism to fight the program, and I think at this point you have to know that. So logically, working against that skepticism might be a good thing for you.
Quote:We'll see when V3.4 comes out, and some degree of normalcy occurs for us all to allow an environment to test. Then again, maybe that isn't needed with this new revelation of what it can do. So, would I just need to look at a pic for example? Or some kind of focus etc.? Then they would contact me or seek me out somehow? If so, how does the person who doesn't know me yet accomplish this if they don't have contact info?
I mean, I want to believe, but I'm trying to wrap my head around the logistics of such a thing.
If you use DMSI - even the current version - you can focus on a visual image of a person and connect to them this way, and affect them as if they are in the same room you are. The requirements are that you have to execute the script; you have to be in a position where there are not other people you're very attracted to close enough to drain you of the energy necessary to do this (about 200 feet); and they must be extremely attractive to you sexually. If you will recall, we have had some people report this sort of thing where people from a long distance reacted to them using the program.
It should be better in 3.4, but before you can do anything, you have to execute. It does not and never did require "belief". Only execution. And that is your particular downfall. We shall see how FRM 5.0 works for you in that regard.
A person who doesn't know your contact info can't do anything about their attraction unless they have a way to locate you through the energy link, but I'm not sure that's possible.
Quote:P.S. Grow Taller sounds intriguing, I wrote it off until 6G due to your post awhile ago about it when someone asked. I'm sure that'd sell, just not sure if a physical sub would work now. I know a physical sub as well that could be made also and would sell well...lol.
I'm not convinced until I see it with my own eyes that a Grow Taller sub will ever be able to ignore fused growth plates in the bones. We shall see. That aside, are you referring to OED or IER?
Based on the above @Shannon:
1) Do the subs work even if a person is skeptic?
2) regarding DMSI working on someone with a mask on thank you for replying. Regarding working on someone not even in the same location or simply from a picture/photo. So what if that person is a celebrity that I and lets say 100 other DMSI uses always get attracted to whenever we see her photo/movie etc wont this counter everyones DMSI as we battle it out?
2B) Also wont this result in turmoil for the said celebrity too either internally or perhaps externally with her relationshops with others/lovers etc?
Just some thoughts that came to mind regarding this but if DMSI can achieve all this, hell even a girl i like near me would be more than enough for me haha
Regarding what should be the next sub. Maybe a vote/poll could help since there may be a pressing matter for some such as growing taller, or breasts or hair or whatever that could take precedence.
as @CatMan said E4 would be a good one perhaps.
Personally for me since fear is the root of everything to make any sub work, im just going to focus on OF 4 and onwards until we really nail this.
OF3 5.75.7G 13/15Vol
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days
1L-2O/3OF; (1L-2/2 5/6); (2L 19/6); (3L 27/6); (4L 9/7); (H4L 25/7)
W 19 May
MLS 5.5G: ≈70days x2, IYGSH: 54, E2: 78+48, DMSI 3.2: 56 & 22, UMOP1: 57+UMOP2: 33 = 90+10 US v12/15=100, OF: 45, OF2: 56days