05-10-2021, 06:52 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-11-2021, 05:47 AM by ncbeareatingman.)
(05-10-2021, 04:30 PM)DarthXedonias Wrote: Just wanted to say Shannon whatever you are doing now might be a really big step up as I'm getting crazy TID I haven't experience before to the point it is happening in Phases. I actually wrote it down so will just paste it here but yeah I've never experienced anything like this before from any sub of any generation earlier than this.
What I wrote:
"Its really hard to describe as I've never had TID like this before that is affecting me on all sorts of levels. The first couple of days was more like this feeling that I was on the precipice of something, of some kind of break thru but wasn't quite there yet. As if this breakthru was for some future event. It was weird because I would try to focus in on this feeling of a breakthru and get some idea what it would be like. I couldn't though because I got this feeling or thought that would come back that "I can't fully understand or comprehend this" at least as I am now. It makes me think the potential for change is so drastic that it confuses my present self and I can't comprehend it. As if this was some major paradigm shift. There then seemed to be some 2nd phase to this TID where I found stuff seemed to touch me a lot more emotionally and I would find myself either on the edge of tears or crying. This is totally different from how I was before. Before all these changes in my life I would probably only cry like once a year if that. I've now cried more in a week than I usually do in a year. I guess this might be a release of some kind ahead of actually playing the sub. It seems to happen around stuff that is encouraging or highly positive that tries to encourage me to do better in life.
Now I seem to be going through a third phase. This is a phase I have been familiar with but not when TID happens but when I'm actually running a sub. Its like my brain works over time to the point that I have certain philosophical breakthrus that end up changing the whole paradigm of life for me. These breakthrus literally change my perception on my life usually. This means for me that the new tech and FRM working in tandem seems to be a lot more powerful. Usually for TID, in generation of subs before 5.75.7G, I get what I described in phase 1 and then when actually running the sub get stuff in phase 3. Now I'm getting for TID stuff that I would associate with actually running a sub before , phae 3, and this new emotional release stuff that has never really happened before (phase 2).
The only thing I can think of for why stuff I mentioned in phase 2 showing up is that some deeper layer of my subconscious that either hasn't been touched by the subs yet or has been able to easily resist previous generations of subs is now being affected. That's the most possible and logical explanation I have to why I'm now experience these phase 2 affects. Don't know how close we are to release but I think these might be the extend of the TID affects unless there might be a phase 4 of affects I start feeling but I doubt it. "
To say that this is 'awesome' just DOES NOT do this justice. wow what an amazing,astounding phenomina,to say da least DarthXedonias....."Obi-won,has taught you well,Skywalker!!" though I am awaitng UMSv2,I swear to you Im sooo inclined to purchase( pre purchase) OFv3. dang. your experiences truly are phenominal.
thank you for having the willingness and courage to share. Laughin and Crying are the same release!! Peace,Man.
PS: THe next morning; One consulation is that UMSv2 will have an even deeper version of FRM 5.0 & DRS in it as well. super thnkful for that!! Plus a seemingly jillion other bells and whistles to go in the mix ,as well. Ever Higher,Man.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"