04-20-2021, 02:34 PM
(04-20-2021, 11:11 AM)Shannon Wrote:(04-20-2021, 10:42 AM)UniversalMan Wrote:(04-20-2021, 10:29 AM)Shannon Wrote:(04-20-2021, 05:37 AM)UniversalMan Wrote:(04-20-2021, 05:23 AM)TugaInVegas Wrote: I feel the exact same thing... I like it, but always seem to want a little more... just like candy
Exactly, maybe not the whole loop but I would dare to say 3 ASRB (if that is how you call the sub + silence inside one audio)....do not get me wrong I did not say that the models failed here, that is maybe the initial use untill the fears of expressing love are removed....or until the sub builds itself up in the subconcious...so,that means,that is an individual thing, but since starting the sub I have that same thought present in my thoughts.
(If all that helps, what I wrote, I am happy)
I don't think the models are wrong. I think that you guys like the way it feels and want more. In this case, that's harmless and if you want more, go for it. But it's important to follow the instructions when a new tech level comes out so we know what it can do before we start experimenting.
I will give it few more days at one loop,just to be sure what it does at one loop
Btw did you give it a ride @Shannon
I turned it on this morning, at the suggestion of my advisor, in response to a deep depression GF fell into yesterday which was being helped by nothing. She just layed in bed and sobbed for hours yesterday and nothing I did or played helped. In 23 minutes, she did a complete 180 in response to AOL, and has stayed happy, loving a productive ever since. I am floored.
I am currently projecting an aura of love that I can physically feel.
Wow. YOU Floored??? dang that experience for you and your GF,is F***&king Amazing Man, really flipping amazing!! I Love Aura of Love,but I feel its kinda neutral right now...its there but perhaps Im just 'too close up on it' to actually 'see more clearly' about it that this point. Then too ,SHannon,,perhaps it is working on deeper issues "In the meantime' and the fruition of this ,once its cleared thing up more,via the fear remover,then I can see more of the lovingness ,more clearly. I still Love it though and thats for real and sincere.
Glad ja havdent given up on UMS v2..though its bear of a program,right now and all of what else you're personally having to deal with. thanks for continuing to work on UMS v2 Man. Mean it!! thank you!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"