04-01-2021, 05:22 PM
(04-01-2021, 04:02 PM)Shannon Wrote:(04-01-2021, 10:32 AM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: BTW SHannon wanted to give you some additional feedback... its been 9 days since beginning Aura of Love, but I wanted to let you know that USLM v4.2 is STILL ,"helping' and Im loving it too!!
thought you'd like to know as well as others here who can appreciate that and perhaps even benefit from such info/feedback as well. thnk you.
The other thing is that Aura of Love is kicking some ass and by that I mean in a good way. its allowing my expansiveness to continue to expand in consciousness,including my sensitivity and intuitiveness as well. why? a safe space a bubble of protection and love : flowers don't bloom when its raining, they do however come out when its dryer and the sun's out, as yawl well know.
Well this is what is happening when and where it can....Shannon...also I can feel some soothing waves of TID 's from UMSv2....coming in, this afternoon. the more I keep my spirits up,the more the vibrations stay high,the better it all goes.... thank you a fantastic program,Man, understatement . if its a problem ,I'd be glad to repost this in MY OWN PERSONAL journal. not a problem in da least.
This is a brand spankin new program and you've said numerous times,that you'd like feedback as such. So here it is...
Plus your're so respectfully busy,that I fel tyou might not see this else where, other wise
and thats ALL it is...nothing more...Im loving AOL,though. man oh man. its been 9 days can hardly wait to see what happens in 90 !! Peace with respect. Keith
Much appreciated. I'm anxiously awaiting the end of this stupid infection that just keeps dragging on forever so I can run AOL with my girl. I've been getting crazy TID from it, and now I know that's what it is, because I have never felt so in love with my girl, and she's reciprocating beautifully. It's made our relationship a lot better and happier, and I don't even know when I can run it yet! How crazy is that? Plus it makes both of us generally much happier, too.
More feedback as you have it.
Dang Shannon thats sooo amazing,Man, incredible...what you're experiencing with your lady Love. wow. I mean thats really saying somethin' right there... what the both of you are experiencing together....Wow.
I Might add that the Auric Field of Love is picking up speed,it seems and seemingly outta da blue at that..no complaints here....
Maybe I'll have the good fortune down the road to meet a good Man,whose worthy of my deeper love and conntion,as such ,and I,His.
Ahhh,Hell...Good Men with Good Hearts,are like parking spaces. I swear( wipes sweat from brow with slight lament in tone of voice) they're either all the friggin way on the other side of the parking lot( outta reach) or reserved or already taken and the only damn thing left are handi-cap spaces!! Ouch . Ha!!
In the meantime which is a very groovy time, AOL continues to smooth,heal and relax....dang this is one for your heart and mind ,program. and yes its really for real,too,Yawl!!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"