03-27-2021, 05:35 AM
(03-26-2021, 07:24 AM)Shannon Wrote:(03-26-2021, 02:32 AM)Zeroxmachina Wrote: "If this isn't TID from Aura of Love, then I don't know what's going on... but if it is TID, then you guys are in for one hell of a treat!"
From what you describe in your journal, it sounds like textbook DMSI execution, but minus the user-side compulsion. Not to reach into the realm of disbelievability (a word I just invented), but as the sole creator of these subs, it seems likely that your subconscious holds all of them, and can probably selectively execute any of them that it finds useful to accomplish whatever goals it's interested in. Of Course this is just a theory in terms of TLD, but it's fun to think about either way.
My subconscious differs from yours but little at the level of the focus into the physical world. While I indeed subconsciously know every word that goes into every one of these programs, that does not mean that those words are being executed as a subliminal for me all the time. If that were the case, I would never have to run any subliminal but once, and having run so many would make me an eternally exhausted pile of jelly. As for selective execution, you must remember MIR: no matter what I do, it still requires actually listening to it to get the execution you need. The subconscious does what it has to do, nothing more. That includes executing subliminals. That is why I have to use DMSI to get DMSI's effects, just like you.
Hm, I can't tell if this is dejavu or i've suggested something like this in the past. What I'm thinking about now is something along the lines of how someone can create a script in a coding language, which can then be executed to do something after it is added to a system (your subconscious, for instance). Since our goal is implanting beliefs (subconscious scripts), once we are programmed with the particular string of commands, should we be able to consciously decide to "run DMSI 3.1", I wonder...In your example, I wouldn't think you'd be exhausted because with instant-on kind of effects like Auras or healing in a sense you can run scripts as needed, and conserve system resources when they aren't. Wishful thinking on my part, perhaps