03-10-2021, 01:43 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-10-2021, 02:42 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Shannon,Im running Ocean format Hybrid of USLMv4 and loving it man,things are flowng so smoothly. really diggin it. So thank you,Man..... theres another piece here though... 'something is up Mr.M.",as in these secret soon to be released titles, in a series,as you put it,there 3,4 possibly 5 more to come forth,additionally from them.
We with that said I dont know if one of them is Universal Love,Universal healing Love 'er something to this effect,but IM definitely once again,feeling,experiencing some serious TID from them/it.
Had a deep heartfelt cry/tight hug combo this early afternoon with MY Elderly Mother, deep heart feelings in several directions, a letting go of sorts of recent old shit,emotionally..around other relatives...fuk'um let it go,move on ,No problem kind of influcent, other positive thinkin stuff as well.. yeah I feel subtly, more positive & easy going ya might say.
I'd say what ever personal and collective end of a cycle,has something to do with, it being right on time, spring is here,new beginnings, as such and the combo of supplication/intention/good heart and these subs.
some good stuff,is up lemme put it thaddah way Mr.M. I feel like Im coming from the Old show from the 60's titled 'Whats my line?" that Im onto something,just not quite knowing what all it is,but we all shall know sometime this month what the "it" is program wise,Shannon. OH theres also some 'solution oriented' stuff along with the other TID stuff,thrown in the mix,too.
One more thing " I find this statement damn encouraging and I feel for Bayern on MLS as its hitting him purdy hard and hopefully in the future,that wont be the case for him nor most ,if not all of us. NO blame here,just addrressing 'the what is-ness, of what "is"
This is the quote I found and still do find ,darn encouraging" Shannon's quote from a few days ago...
"I also came up with a way to optimize one of the existing modules in a way that I think will be very much appreciated. This change that I made should remove most, if not all of the exhaustion these programs currently trigger."
We with that said I dont know if one of them is Universal Love,Universal healing Love 'er something to this effect,but IM definitely once again,feeling,experiencing some serious TID from them/it.
Had a deep heartfelt cry/tight hug combo this early afternoon with MY Elderly Mother, deep heart feelings in several directions, a letting go of sorts of recent old shit,emotionally..around other relatives...fuk'um let it go,move on ,No problem kind of influcent, other positive thinkin stuff as well.. yeah I feel subtly, more positive & easy going ya might say.
I'd say what ever personal and collective end of a cycle,has something to do with, it being right on time, spring is here,new beginnings, as such and the combo of supplication/intention/good heart and these subs.
some good stuff,is up lemme put it thaddah way Mr.M. I feel like Im coming from the Old show from the 60's titled 'Whats my line?" that Im onto something,just not quite knowing what all it is,but we all shall know sometime this month what the "it" is program wise,Shannon. OH theres also some 'solution oriented' stuff along with the other TID stuff,thrown in the mix,too.
One more thing " I find this statement damn encouraging and I feel for Bayern on MLS as its hitting him purdy hard and hopefully in the future,that wont be the case for him nor most ,if not all of us. NO blame here,just addrressing 'the what is-ness, of what "is"
This is the quote I found and still do find ,darn encouraging" Shannon's quote from a few days ago...
"I also came up with a way to optimize one of the existing modules in a way that I think will be very much appreciated. This change that I made should remove most, if not all of the exhaustion these programs currently trigger."
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"