02-24-2021, 06:44 AM
I can tell you my experience with the previous MLS, and the current one will be an extension so it should be helpful.
On MLS you'll have a deep desire to learn about anything you want to, and studying will come in any form that is useful to what you're trying to learn. If you want to box for example, I found that my ability to mirror good boxers body movement and and practice their techniques enhanced greatly, I would naturally slip into a place where I would watch and emulate without even consciously deciding to (like I was in a trance like concentration), and automatically become better.
You'll be able to connect dots and create mental models in a way which allows you to not only learn something, but learn it quickly and efficiently, and that skill in developing mental models/connecting dots is hyper useful in any mental domain. For trading you'll find you can visualise price movements and how different types of moving averages will move in line with those movements (something that I found I was able to do when I was on it previously). You will absolutely recognise patterns, solve problems and learn from mistakes - on the last point you'll actually remember mistakes you'd forgotten and wonder how you ever made them since the mistake was so obvious .
The main problem i ended up with was sticking with a couple of things and not tyring to learn absolutely everything. I also self sabotaged through over eating, stonewalling and other things which i won't get into.
If you manage to not self sabotage in some way then when this works it's like the world becomes an interesting place of possibility and there's no real mental limit on what you can learn/do.
On MLS you'll have a deep desire to learn about anything you want to, and studying will come in any form that is useful to what you're trying to learn. If you want to box for example, I found that my ability to mirror good boxers body movement and and practice their techniques enhanced greatly, I would naturally slip into a place where I would watch and emulate without even consciously deciding to (like I was in a trance like concentration), and automatically become better.
You'll be able to connect dots and create mental models in a way which allows you to not only learn something, but learn it quickly and efficiently, and that skill in developing mental models/connecting dots is hyper useful in any mental domain. For trading you'll find you can visualise price movements and how different types of moving averages will move in line with those movements (something that I found I was able to do when I was on it previously). You will absolutely recognise patterns, solve problems and learn from mistakes - on the last point you'll actually remember mistakes you'd forgotten and wonder how you ever made them since the mistake was so obvious .
The main problem i ended up with was sticking with a couple of things and not tyring to learn absolutely everything. I also self sabotaged through over eating, stonewalling and other things which i won't get into.
If you manage to not self sabotage in some way then when this works it's like the world becomes an interesting place of possibility and there's no real mental limit on what you can learn/do.