(12-29-2020, 05:59 AM)CatMan Wrote: Hey Shannon, isn't DRS generally SOP now?Hey @CatMan, I believe that my suggestion makes it clear that a new and updated DRS wouldn’t be redundant nor would force users to forego other programs.
I just think you wouldn't have many sales for it due to that. I think it'd be redundant because of the fact it's in several of the programs now. Especially since LTU (stage 7) and OF V2 have it in 5.75.5G format. UMS V2 etc. will as well most likely. So, not sure what the REAL market of that will be for you in reality. People would have to forego the other programs to use it properly, not sure who would do that realistically...
I am running LTU and I assure you that the DRS in LTU isn’t nearly as powerful as the stand-alone version (despite the stand-alone being an older technology), the reason being that the focus is necessarily split with 12 other titles, or so I believe.
As for foregoing other titles, we are talking of an itm boost to use mostly alongside other programs in a moment of need like a difficult conversation or before meeting a very negative person. If you were on the receiving end of the ridiculous shit that his thrown my way you’d know what I mean.

Eventually only Shannon can decide if it’s worth his time, all I know for sure is that I would buy it.
As for other ideas: I’d definitely buy an in-the-moment pain relief if it’s built in such a way as to not derail the main program. Another option could be a calm down/stay centered/don’t spin your wheels, an adaptation of tranquilizer I guess.
E3+DRS -> LTU6 -> IYE -> DRS -> LTU6 Refresher -> OF3