12-10-2020, 10:57 AM
(12-10-2020, 10:23 AM)Shannon Wrote:(12-10-2020, 08:41 AM)NOMAD Wrote:(12-10-2020, 08:08 AM)sushi521 Wrote:(12-09-2020, 12:41 PM)Shannon Wrote:I think you can't go wrong with money, sex and beauty/physical attractiveness related subs(12-09-2020, 11:41 AM)NOMAD Wrote: It could be that many people feel like I do. I wear contacts, but I consider it to be too minor of an inconvenience for me to invest the time running a sub to fix. That, of course, assumes that correcting eyesight is even doable through subliminal audio instructions.
I realize that people use subs for different reasons, but it seems to me that the bulk of your customers are looking to change beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, etc. When this same group is introduced to the possibility that a set of instructions can trigger the body to do something that seems unlikely, they're probably hesitant to pull the trigger (unless it involves sex as lano1106 eluded to).
Except hundreds of people are willing to buy hundreds of copies of penis enlargement, breast enlargement, grow taller, weight loss, etc. That kind of tells me that physical change subs aren't exactly going to be a non-starter.
The issue is a combination of people can't see how it could work, so they don't think it will, and it doesn't have to do with sex or money, so it's not interesting.
I started a thread in the title suggestions section regarding sex-related subs. Anybody that has ideas, please post. Let's help Shannon get those creative juices flowing, help the business, and hopefully help his emotional state.
The key with sex related subs is that most of what I would like to do, I can't for one reason or another. Not that I don't have the knowledge of how to do it.
Consider this scenario. Let's say I create a current gen aphrodisiac designed to generate massive sexual arousal, but not to point it at anyone in particular. It needs an age limiter. What happens if someone pirates it? You know that's 330,835,640% likely. So now I have the issue that I can focus on AP code, or I can focus on getting the results. It is a very delicate balance to do both.
Let's say some 11 year old kid gets his hands on it and plays it at his school. The age limiter works for everyone except one girl, who resists it because "don't tell ME what to do!". She gets turned on, one thing leads to another and they fuck. She gets pregnant, and then blame starts falling out of the sky.
Is he going to say, "Why yes, I pirated this program and played it in school, it's all my fault! I take full responsibility for all of my actions, choices and the results thereof."? Hell no. He's going to try to blame me, because I made this evil subliminal that tempted him to do all these things. Because why should he have to be responsible for his own actions and choices? He's a kid, and everyone (at least in the United States, where I live) automatically assumes kids are 100% innocent these days. Personal responsibility? What's that?
That's likely to end up with news media coverage, because it's so unusual and sensational. And then we have a negative light on subliminals in general, and we have the "news media" reporting how awful I am because I didn't take the time to prevent this from happening (you may have noticed that the news media is more than slightly divorced from facts and reality these days, so it doesn't matter if what they say is true or not, it just matters if they get the clicks and views they want, and to hell with whomever they hurt in the process).
From there we have some SJW group or groups decide this opportunity for attention and pushing their agenda is too good to pass up, and all of a sudden we have one or more SJW movements in the news taking negatively about subliminals, IML and me, demanding new laws to protect the world from evil subliminals and the irresponsible, evil people who make them.
This of course also makes the news, nationwide and internationally, and now the entire industry looks even worse. Furthermore, we would then have legislators who know nothing about subliminals passing laws without consulting anyone who really knows what the hell they're talking about concerning subliminals (because really, it doesn't matter if you have a degree [even a PhD!] in psychology in most cases, it matters what experience you have with scripting and creating them and how much you have studied the effects and results they produce). Then we have regulations that either severely cripple or kill the entire industry.
All because the world can't take any personal responsibility, and has gone mad this last decade or more.
That's the sort of thing that worries me about making things like sex subs these days.
DAMN! Sounds like an industrial-strength amount of "Type 18 Resistance: Slippery Slope Thinking" based off your resistance FAQ thread there, sir. LOL...

Seriously, I hope the work on 5.75.5G will go smoothly today onward. Really looking forward to OF V2, it'll be so good to run while DMSI is being prepared!