11-27-2020, 12:05 PM
NO. thats NOT it Man. damn man you came down pretty hard on me for someone trusting you with all of this.geez.
What IM most afraid of is being bored,not because I'm not intelligent enough to get it or anything like that. its The"Hunt" would be taken out of the equation. the going after it.
I dont think its a poverty mind set ,its Im afraid some, how logically or illogically it may be ,that there wont be ANY more challenge in the game.for me. therefore no stimulation,no strong pull to ' got git it done' and related? I DID say it didnt all have to be logical. The Fear of beoredum doesnt'all have to be logicical. what IM also saying Shannon is this is great news coz now I know deeply what is it and can do something about it and I AM. quite simply knowing what it actually "is", I can now do something about it,now. thats great news to me, even if is "Thats ALL it was was THAT!!?" Kinda stuff. well that ' stuff' however commendable or not ,was getting in the way...but now I can do something about it all.
its like the Thorn in the Lions Paw, small and damn irritating ,once its pulled, the healing can begin,the healing balm applied, reclaimation.
Its being 'on the other side" of all of this...is where I'm headed. "The Fear of the Unknown" is what it really is.
Im not regretful that I switched over to USLM 4.2 its been absolutely the right move for me, and I have NOT abandoned working on fear and fear removal. If any thing its improved in some many ways. its win win for me either way, is the way I see and right now,just like you having to do what you need to do because of circumstance within your control and those things outside of your control,you've made decisions on what you needed/and need to do. Me, as a grown ass man,Im doing the same thing.
USLM v4.2 is showing up already in fact, something remarkable happened this morning thats never happened before,a situtation that I ususally need to remedy and take care this morning,by the time I showed up,it was already handeled.
turned around, and headed back to bed, some more sleep in time. its never happened before. also the insights and awarenesses are being made available to me,Shannon,that I didnt fully 'see' before ,as well.
2nd day out and its a damn good run for me,so far.
I did not abandon the Fear remover, at all , as I stated before,I have OF for the rest of my life on earth,and what in the long run,USLm v4.2 and UMS v2 will help me to accomplish is amoung other things,to be ina place ,in an even better enviroment to address and handel many more things,in full as such and in the mean time ,still addressing these issues and more.
What IM most afraid of is being bored,not because I'm not intelligent enough to get it or anything like that. its The"Hunt" would be taken out of the equation. the going after it.
I dont think its a poverty mind set ,its Im afraid some, how logically or illogically it may be ,that there wont be ANY more challenge in the game.for me. therefore no stimulation,no strong pull to ' got git it done' and related? I DID say it didnt all have to be logical. The Fear of beoredum doesnt'all have to be logicical. what IM also saying Shannon is this is great news coz now I know deeply what is it and can do something about it and I AM. quite simply knowing what it actually "is", I can now do something about it,now. thats great news to me, even if is "Thats ALL it was was THAT!!?" Kinda stuff. well that ' stuff' however commendable or not ,was getting in the way...but now I can do something about it all.
its like the Thorn in the Lions Paw, small and damn irritating ,once its pulled, the healing can begin,the healing balm applied, reclaimation.
Its being 'on the other side" of all of this...is where I'm headed. "The Fear of the Unknown" is what it really is.
Im not regretful that I switched over to USLM 4.2 its been absolutely the right move for me, and I have NOT abandoned working on fear and fear removal. If any thing its improved in some many ways. its win win for me either way, is the way I see and right now,just like you having to do what you need to do because of circumstance within your control and those things outside of your control,you've made decisions on what you needed/and need to do. Me, as a grown ass man,Im doing the same thing.
USLM v4.2 is showing up already in fact, something remarkable happened this morning thats never happened before,a situtation that I ususally need to remedy and take care this morning,by the time I showed up,it was already handeled.
turned around, and headed back to bed, some more sleep in time. its never happened before. also the insights and awarenesses are being made available to me,Shannon,that I didnt fully 'see' before ,as well.
2nd day out and its a damn good run for me,so far.
I did not abandon the Fear remover, at all , as I stated before,I have OF for the rest of my life on earth,and what in the long run,USLm v4.2 and UMS v2 will help me to accomplish is amoung other things,to be ina place ,in an even better enviroment to address and handel many more things,in full as such and in the mean time ,still addressing these issues and more.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"