11-02-2020, 10:12 AM
(11-01-2020, 08:19 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: Shannon's quote": "In fact I have concluded that I cannot build UMS v2 as a multi-stage set because LTUv6 is taking so much time and work " -
Me: What!!?? does that mean,are you saying " you can not build UMS v2,until you are finished with LTU v6 or at all as a 6 stage set?
I thought the flow was going to be: Finish building DMSI, and right afterwards, finish the next 4 stages of LTUv6 and then right on into UMS v2? is that not so? I hope you have a change of heart around this,before you get there( ready to up grade,build the new version of UMS v2!)
so were getting cheated out of what could have been ,but LTUv6 isnt?
I'm slightly panicking right now....just a single stage ONLY? I thought you said it was too much to process as a single stage and therefore it brought up too much resistance and therefore has to be spread out,over 6 stages. that you wanted to be able to focus on one title at a time. please clarify and give some hope here. I've been waiting for this multi-stage set forever. thank you.
I Am truly afraid that it wont work as a single stage,like it did the last time,like the out come was, last time!! (But that was before the new scripting,Platinum Lake Build,break thru's 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 & so on..... still concerned however. If you knew my circumstances you'd know why.
PS: after thought,how 'bout build,when the time comes, two stages of UMS v2,and then release that at the same time,that way you will have a full two months running start? No? its worth considering!!
Im trying comfort & reassure myself right now,with how well the new versions of the list below,that will work & be included in UMS v2
specifically :
USLM upgrade - check
EHPRA upgrade - check
FRM upgrade - check
and DRS.as well..and how well these new upgraded version will really help to bring about,higher levels of income and opportunity as such.
Now, I feel like, how Catman felt when he thought yawl were gonna ditch DMSI!! Argh!!
like I wasnt depressed enough before I read this,I was actually in the process of recovering from it,then I read this and now Im really depressed. damn. argh.
Getting into the Flow,in the Zone of Manifesting....getting quieter.... thats the work this day and week.....
Part II : Forward thought on all of this,the next day,as in today Nov.2nd.
Took a long long walk,took my all natural weight loss capsules,my back pack,and umbrella and went for a long country walk, 4 miles round trip. went to the general store( this is the sticks,its like a Mall out here,one of the only games in town,unless ya wanna drive 30-35 plus miles to do so)
I know that my walk is to help me emotionally just as much,if not more,than the physical strides.
Sooo while doing so I got some perspective on the whole 'scrapping of UMS v2 6 stage set", It came to me,
If Shannon can put 12-to-15 titles into One synergistically aka LTU6 and make it work....then why could he not put the equivalent into 1 stage program,as in 6 levels of stuff in to 1 stage... aka UMS v2?
if that is the case when the time comes,we'll see,to me ,what ever the deal is, if its like the guarantee's " 1 year 50,000 miles' your warranty is covered.
Same difference with UMS v2...as long as we get 'there' and do our parts along the way...whats the dif' if its 6 stages + 1.
I felt a bit better thinkin this way,Im still depressed about it though...not quite as much. its like having your vacation plans nixed,2 months ahead of time when you were REALLY lookin' forward to a much needed Va-ca! I'd still love to see a 6 stage UMS v2 set realized! least Im making progress.
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"