10-03-2020, 03:42 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-03-2020, 10:50 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
I know that there are newcomers here and that some of them don't get it or understand the value ,the high value I might add of what all goes into even one of These programs ,much less a 6+1 stage complete set!! it is indeed, a screaming deal for shure!! a damn good deal,for 600 buck!! .if and when one knows the value of such and the multiple benefits....it can bring then yeah its well worth it.
I was talking to myself about these things last night,it came to mind several times, last evening" as in " do yawl know lucky we are? just how fortunate with all are,to even know about this kind of technology and then to be tuned in enough,to be open to it,is profound,right down to the ground and thats NO Bull,either. Just LOOK at what LTU6 is doing for folks here,on their journals..for example and Shannon isnt even finished developing all of the technology and upgrades & optimizations,yet either. damn sam. Amazing,what is and what is to come,as well. dang impressive!!
Then to Top it off,to set it off,to actually follow through and apply this technology by IML,is flippin phenominal too!! As in using the dang blame program's!!
I've been using Overcoming Fear with Fear Remover 4.9, for the last 2 months and somethings have already happened that have just floored me,damn near to the core. stuff I've had to deal with for decades and when ignorance came my way around it ,twice since I've been running OF, I was supposed to be nervous as hell,scared,bowled over,stomach knotted up,upset for hours, tossing and turn in the bed hours and hours later,..bothered by it for days on end,none of this happened.
I was slightly nervous ,but it held NO great power over me,like it did before!! Fuk!!! This happened in MY DIRECT LIFE, in real time and space,ect.... and yet it was smoothed over and calm,hours later.....
does it bug me still,yes,but it doesnt run me like before,as it were.
Where else,am I gonna get that kinda result? where? even with all the other wholistic healing things I do ,that damn shure help,in all directions.... and all of it supports the other..empowering.... ect ect ect...so yeah , Hell yeah in fact, its worth it.
something else just came to mind,lemme just square it out for you man,lemme just do that here...these programs have helped me decrease my suffering ,and increase the quality of my Life and all things related, while,being here on this planet.
I say save save save...sell a tv,yard sales,create masks for people....yard work...ya know.... git creative and hungry!!
I know when UMS v2 comes out,that its gonna be thru the roof..... Like some Las Vegas, performer on steriods...a BIG HIT.
I am grounded here,but I almost jumped outta my skin when I read the most recent responses from Shannon,about UMS v2,this post included. The invisible Made visible....to the profound ' enth !!
I was talking to myself about these things last night,it came to mind several times, last evening" as in " do yawl know lucky we are? just how fortunate with all are,to even know about this kind of technology and then to be tuned in enough,to be open to it,is profound,right down to the ground and thats NO Bull,either. Just LOOK at what LTU6 is doing for folks here,on their journals..for example and Shannon isnt even finished developing all of the technology and upgrades & optimizations,yet either. damn sam. Amazing,what is and what is to come,as well. dang impressive!!
Then to Top it off,to set it off,to actually follow through and apply this technology by IML,is flippin phenominal too!! As in using the dang blame program's!!
I've been using Overcoming Fear with Fear Remover 4.9, for the last 2 months and somethings have already happened that have just floored me,damn near to the core. stuff I've had to deal with for decades and when ignorance came my way around it ,twice since I've been running OF, I was supposed to be nervous as hell,scared,bowled over,stomach knotted up,upset for hours, tossing and turn in the bed hours and hours later,..bothered by it for days on end,none of this happened.
I was slightly nervous ,but it held NO great power over me,like it did before!! Fuk!!! This happened in MY DIRECT LIFE, in real time and space,ect.... and yet it was smoothed over and calm,hours later.....
does it bug me still,yes,but it doesnt run me like before,as it were.
Where else,am I gonna get that kinda result? where? even with all the other wholistic healing things I do ,that damn shure help,in all directions.... and all of it supports the other..empowering.... ect ect ect...so yeah , Hell yeah in fact, its worth it.
something else just came to mind,lemme just square it out for you man,lemme just do that here...these programs have helped me decrease my suffering ,and increase the quality of my Life and all things related, while,being here on this planet.
I say save save save...sell a tv,yard sales,create masks for people....yard work...ya know.... git creative and hungry!!
I know when UMS v2 comes out,that its gonna be thru the roof..... Like some Las Vegas, performer on steriods...a BIG HIT.
I am grounded here,but I almost jumped outta my skin when I read the most recent responses from Shannon,about UMS v2,this post included. The invisible Made visible....to the profound ' enth !!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"